A list of notable Blockchain Security audit companies and where to find all their public audits. This list also contains security news sources and findings search utilities/DBs.
- Blockchain Threat Intelligence
- HashingBits
- Immunefi
- Security Pills (Mix of both web2 & web3)
- Week in Ethereum News
- Cryptosec DeFi Hacks
- DeFiHackLabs
- DefiLlama
- OpenZeppelin Post Mortems
- QuillAudit's Hackerboard
- Rekt Leaderboard
- SlowMist Hacked
Great tools for looking for more specific findings
- Audit Hero
- ConsenSys Blockchain SecurityDB
- Masamune
- Solodit
- tintinweb smart-contract-vulndb
- Tomo's Findings Database
Want to add some? Don't be afraid to contribute anything I might have missed. The only requirement I ask is that the company has public audit reports.