
Console Casino -- Blackjack, for neural net training/playing

Primary LanguagePython


Console Casino -- Blackjack, for neural net training/playing


 # TODO: document more stuff
 # then...
 python3 play.py or python3 robo_play.py for random h/s


  • Robo-player
  • Split, Surrender, Double
  • Gambling?



Training Set

Hopefully will be generated from running play.py with a loop and some random hit/stand clicks


  • What to record for the training set:
  • win/loss
    • -1/0/1
  • dealerUpcard
    • The card in the dealer's hand visible to all players
  • card1
    • Value of the first card
  • card2
    • Value of the second card
  • initialPoints
    • Total points with the two cards
  • hit1
    • Binary variable indicating if a hit was taken
  • card3
    • Value of the third card
  • pointsAfterCard3
    • Total points with three cards
  • hit2
    • Binary variable indicating if a hit was taken
  • card4
    • Value of the fourth card
  • pointsAfterCard4
    • Total points with four cards
  • hit3
    • Binary variable indicating if a hit was taken
  • card5
    • Value of the fifth card
  • pointsAfterCard5
    • Total points with five cardsnapshot of hand after each hit until stand (just the totals?)