
Wrapper for Rofi menus that helps you to build hierarchical menus

Primary LanguagePython


PyPI - License PyPI - Implementation PyPI - Python Version GitHub tag (latest SemVer) PyPI wemake-python-styleguide

PyRofi wraps Rofi and helps you to build the hierarchical menus with neat navigation. You can also use Wofi as the "backend".


Make sure that you have Rofi or the Wofi installed. Then just python3 -m pip install --update --user pyrofi (requires Python ^3.6).

Menu structure

Every menu is just a dictionary: the keys are menu item captions, values are actions or submenus.

    'command': ['man', 'ls'],
    'submenu': {
        'command': [...],

Submenus are just dictionaries with the same structure.

Action can be:

  • the "command" — a list with command plus arguments
    'google': ['firefox', 'https://google.com']`
  • some Callable[List[str], ] that receives a path to the item and returns
    • None if all the work is done and you need to stop the interaction
    • a command (see above)
      def show_path(path):
          return ['echo'] + path
      'where am I': show_path
    • a submenu to "dive" into (you can build the submenus dynamically)
      def games_menu(path):
          return {
      'games': games_menu

Also, the run_menu function can receive a callback: Callable[List[Any], bool] argument: that's how you can override the command execution. Any callback function should take a path as a sole argument and return either True if no more interactions are needed or False if you want to keep the menu active.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pyrofi import run_menu

def hello_world(_):
    print('Hello World!')

def dice():
    import random
    return ['echo', random.choice('123456')]

    'Calculator': ['xcalc'],
    'Games': {
        'Rogue': ['rogue'],
        'Angband': ['angband']
    'Calendar': ['ncal', '2019'],
    'Hello World': hello_world,
    'Dice': dice,

If you want to use Wofi, you will need to add menu_cmd=pyrofi.WOFI_CMD (or just menu_cmd='wofi) to the run_menu call.

More complex example you can see here and run it with python3 -m pyrofi.