Make a wordcloud of a stack-overflow user's "tag"s

This app shows a wordcloud, where the word sizes are scaled according to the number of times a stack-overflow user has answered questions for a particular tag.

It was developed to work out how to deploy a shiny app to

Thanks to the developers of {shiny}, {wordcloud} (for generating the wordcloud image) and {stackr} (for accessing stackoverflow data)

Define the environment

Use renv inside a conda env !!!!

Initialised the project to use renv

conda env: "shiny-wordcloud" (cloned from shiny-base)

  • already has shiny installed

then on loading R, and attempting to run shiny::runApp(), it complained that shiny was not installed.

Therefore need to install all deployment packages using renv.

So, used install.packages to add

  • shiny
  • wordcloud
  • remotes
  • rsconnect (to allow deployment to

and used remotes::install_github("dgrtwo/stackr")

(indeed, I could have cloned the rstudio-prereqs environment rather than the shiny-base environment when making shiny-wordcloud)

Then configured rsconnect for pushing to As described at (rsconnect::setAccountInfo(blah, secret, ....))



Don't include .Rprofile when deploying to (the deployed app won't be able to find the renv/activate script)