

  • Unzip the to your home dir
  • Everything below this needs to be done as root
  • Install pcap with apt install python-libpcap
  • Create folder: mkdir /etc/pve-wol
  • copy or move unzipped files to the directory /etc/pve-wol (just the files)
  • Create folder: mkdir /var/log/proxmoxwol - a file named proxmoxwol.log will be created and all logs sent here. Additionally, the init script will log into this directory.
  • To start the service at boot, copy (and rename) the proxmoxwol.init file from the zip contents to '/etc/init.d/proxmoxwol', set as executable with 'chmod +x proxmoxwol' - and then enable with 'update-rc.d proxmoxwol defaults'.
  • Make sure to modify the cmd and int variables as required in /etc/init.d/proxmoxwol for your script location and bridged network adapter.
  • To rotate the logs, which can get quite large if there are frequent WOL requests, copy (and rename) proxmoxwol.logrotate to file '/etc/logrotate.d/proxmoxwol'.
  • Either reboot or issue '/etc/init.d/proxmoxwol start' and check the above mentioned log file for status and/or errors.