
Convert (ima/mha/mnc) file formats to the universally accepted NIfTI format for Brain MRI.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Convert (ima/mha/mnc) file formats to the universally accepted NIfTI format for Brain MRI.

Documentation and Support

To run: $>python3 converter.py -i DICOM -o NIfTI

-i: input DICOM Folder(.ima)/MetaImage(.mha)/MINC(.mnc)

-o: specify output directory (optional)

-f: if whole folder is to be converted <True/False> (optional)


Example1: $>python3 converter.py -i DICOM

Example2: $>python3 converter.py -i subject04_t1w_p4.mnc.gz -o Subject4

Example3: $>python3 converter.py -i SimTumor00T_T1.mha -o TumorSim

Example4: $>python3 converter.py -i Batch3_tumorsim -o InNIfTI -f True

Required Libraries

dicom2nifti (DICOM .ima) Tested Version: 2.1.7 nibabel (MINC .mnc) Tested Version: 2.5.0 SimpleITK (MetaImage .mha) Tested Version: 1.2.2

Sample Files

DICOM: NCIGT Intra-operative MRT Glioma Resection MINC: BrainWeb MetaImage: TumorSim