Learning JavaScript for a complete beginner


This is an attempt to make a list relevant for a young secondary school student.

In my opinion JavaScript is the best choice for a first programming language for a student to learn. This is because JavaScript has all the core programming features that a student would want to learn, with the ability to present the result visually within a web page.

Learning resources with links

It's frustrating that links seem always to be paid courses!

Mybridge learn-javascript

Some free finds

Ugly not sure about this one... kidscanjavascript.com

Course Providers


The initial free course is worth looking at although will have to enter card details. juni


The quality of the Udemy courses are varied, but some are really excellent and they are usually available at a large discount.

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

Use Github pages?

Hosting is a right pain, it is possible to use Github pages for free. Would take a little set up time though. Also, using Github is great way to keep code projects.

GitHub Pages


Using a real JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

Online Resources

MDN is open source and provides the best reference for JavaScript language features. - See: JavaScript Guide)

Online lists

Learn Plain JavaScript from Top Articles for the Past Year

Interesting and relevant blogs

Might be worth looking at: How My 10-Year-Old Learned Javascript


Code sand boxes allow learners to use various programming languages within a working web page, so they can get up and running very quickly.
