Simplex backend API

Full backend api to integrate simplex crypto api powered by nanobox

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Setup .env file with following variable





Start by installing the dependencies by running npm install in each of the api and frontend directories.


To start the two components locally run npm start in the api directory first followed by npm start in the frontend directories.

Running the tests

npm run test


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


/currentCurrencies [GET]

  • Returns the current fiat and crypto currencies available for trade.

/exchangeRates [GET]

  • Gets the current exchange rates between a pair of currencies. Response: Error: Success: { rate_currency: String, base_currency: String, min: Number, max: Number, rate: Number, updatedAt: String }

/quote [POST]

  • Creates a quote for a trade between a fiat currency and a digital currency. { 'digital_currency': String, 'fiat_currency': String, 'requested_currency': String, 'requested_amount': Number } Response:
  • Error: digital_currency required | fiat_currency required | requested_currency required | requested_amount required and must be a number
  • Success: { user_id: String, quote_id: String, fiat_total_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number }, requested_digital_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number }, status: String, source: String }

/order [POST]

  • Creates an order for a provided quote ID and user ID. 'account_details': { 'app_end_user_id': String, "email": String, "phone": String, }, 'transaction_details': { 'payment_details': { 'quote_id': String, 'fiat_total_amount': { 'currency': String, 'amount': Number }, 'requested_digital_amount': { 'currency': String, 'amount': Number }, 'destination_wallet': { 'currency': String, 'address': String } } } Response:
  • Error: invalid user ID | app_end_user_id required min:12 max:64 | quote_id required min:12 max:64 | fiat currency required | fiat amount is required, must be a number, and must be between 50 and 20,000 | requested currency required | requested amount required and must be a number | destination wallet currency required | destination address is required and must be a valid address
  • Success: { payment_post_url: String, version: Number, partner: String, return_url: String, quote_id: String, payment_id: String, user_id: String, destination_wallet_address: String, destination_wallet_currency: String, fiat_total_amount_amount: Number, fiat_total_amount_currency: String, digital_total_amount_amount: Number, digital_total_amount_currency: String }

/status/:userId [GET]

  • Gets the payment status for the latest order put in by a provided user ID. Response:
  • Error: user id does not exist
  • Success: { user_id: String, quote_id: String, status: String, fiat_total_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number }, requested_digital_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number } }

/status/:userId/:quoteId [GET]

  • Gets the payment status for a given quote ID used by a provided user ID. Response:
  • Error: user id does not exist
  • Success: { user_id: String, quote_id: String, status: String, fiat_total_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number }, requested_digital_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number } }


  • Gets the latest simplex payment event by user ID. Response:
  • Error: user id does not exist
  • Success: { event_id: String, name: String, payment: { id: String, status: String, created_at: String, updated_at: String, partner_end_user_id: String, fiat_total_amount: { currency: String, amount: Number } }, timestamp: Number }