
Unbekannt neutral variants

gurdeep330 opened this issue · 2 comments

PS: Das kann warten, bis du aus dem Urlaub zurück bist

Here are the neutral variants on positions that do not exist in UniProt FASTA sequences.
(Just pasting them here so that we don't lose them)

O96017 R 844 K None
O96017 R 816 K None
Q9UIK4 L 483 V None
Q9UIK4 L 470 V None
Q96GD4 C 491 R None
Q96GD4 C 1395 Y None
Q96GD4 T 1445 S None
P53671 Q 684 R None
Q32MK0 T 1016 A None
Q32MK0 T 1085 A None
Q32MK0 D 845 E None
Q32MK0 D 914 E None
Q32MK0 L 861 P None
Q8NG66 E 724 G None
Q8NG66 E 752 G None
Q8NG66 E 680 G None
Q8NG66 E 708 G None
Q8NG66 E 655 G None
Q5VST9 R 8681 H None
Q99640 A 566 V None

Will have a look, cheers!

Rob provided the new set.