
Data pipeline for processing OpenStreetMap and Skimap.org data into OpenSkiData and OpenSkiMap tiles

Primary LanguageTypeScript

OpenSkiData Processor

This is a data pipeline that consumes OpenStreetMap & Skimap.org data and produces GeoJSON & Mapbox GL tiles for usage on OpenSkiMap.org.


  1. Install Docker
  2. npm install



To download data for only a specific area, specify a GeoJSON format bounding box in an environment variable: BBOX="[-13, -90, 65, 90]"

The output is placed in several geojson and mbtiles files within the data folder. The output location can be overridden by setting OUTPUT_DIR.


For quick development iterations, ./run.sh --skip-download uses the previously downloaded data.

Optional Features

Elevation data

Features will be augmented with elevation data.

To enable, set ELEVATION_SERVER_URL to an endpoint that can receive POST requests in the format of https://github.com/racemap/elevation-service. You should use a local instance of the elevation server because a large number of requests will be performed.

Reverse geocoding

Features will be augmented with country/region/locality information.

To enable, set GEOCODING_SERVER_URL to an endpoint that reverse geocodes in the format of https://photon.komoot.io/reverse. Geocoding results are cached on disk (by default in the cache directory) for faster subsequent runs of the processor.