
Terraform deploy 2 ngninx web servers and nginxaas for demonstration purposes

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NGINXaaS deployed via Terraform onto Azure

This repo and contained Terraform was built to created to build a new unique resource group, define and deploy resources such as VMs and containers and finally deploy NGINXaaS.

This can be used for demonstration purposes or for building a test platform to test rules and configuration items.

Terraform settings

Configure your terraform environment so that you can access your Azure tenant per your own taste.

Refer to the F5 NGINXaaS Terraform site for more details on configuring your Terraform environment and details on code snippets you may find included in this repo.


You'll need to run "terraform init" and I'd suggest a "terraform plan" to test before applying. You will need access to an Azure instance and have configured that access from your system for this demonstration code to run.



terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --var="configure=false" --auto-approve
terraform apply --auto-approve

Configure the settings.tfvars file to customize the deployment. For F5'ers you must define your mail address for the Owner tag or your resources may be deleted without notice.

The code generates unique object names to avoid conflicts with others. The code also attempts to determine your public IP and inserts that into the Security Group for access control.
If you experience access problems to the deployment this may be a part of the problem.

Two Demo APP VMs in module linuxvm

Two ngninx OSS web servers are deployed. These demo app servers are defined in the terraform files:

These can be used for demonstrations and tests of failover, traffic rules, and header injection/manipulation. These systems are what respond when you open a browser to the "NGINXaaS Public IP" root URI.

The Linux VMs are deployed and configured as Demo App servers as defined in: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/deployment-guides/setting-up-nginx-demo-environment/

The userdata.tftpl file defines the configurations for these two servers. This is shell script that runs through the clout-init process.

These two demo servers are statically assigned and and both listen on port 80 Each demo app server will be assigned a public IP, an NSG assigned to allown only your public IP to ssh to it and the public key configured outside of this repo to login.

Two echo containers are deployed via module containers

These two echo server instances are deployed and configured in the nginx.conf file to respond when you issue requests to the "NGINXaaS Public IP" and the /container URI.

Echo servers are great to immmediately see all of the related headers and so on that the web servers see when you make a request reflected back to you in the page render.

The two containers are configured so they will always deploy with the same IPs, and

NGINXaaS deployment

The NGINXaaS deployment is configured and set with a public IP and is ready to configure. NGINXaaS when provisioned will have a default configuration applied.

You are now ready to go into the Azure Portal and setup the NGINXaaS configuration and so on.

Importing the Default

You can deploy new configurations to NGINXaaS but if you attempt to do this during the initial deployment, you will get an error as the default configuration is already deployed. Terraform doesn't know about this default so it will throw and error.

See issue ID: ID-891 https://docs.nginx.com/nginxaas/azure/known-issues/

If you wish to deploy a configuration with this repo's code. You will need to import the default configuration and do another apply to place your configuration on the system.

Run the "importconfig.sh" script after your first apply and the object should be under management of Terraform at that point. Make sure you set the "configure" variable to "true" if you wish to have the next run on Terraform apply to install the configurations as defined in "files".

The error you may see for this existing configuration will appear similar to the following:

│ Error: A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUPNAME>/providers/Nginx.NginxPlus/nginxDeployments/nginxaas-demo/configurations/default" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_nginx_configuration" for more information.
│   with azurerm_nginx_configuration.nginxaas-config,
│   on nginxaas-deployment.tf line 24, in resource "azurerm_nginx_configuration" "nginxaas-config":
│   24: resource "azurerm_nginx_configuration" "nginxaas-config" {
│ A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUPNAME>/providers/Nginx.NginxPlus/nginxDeployments/nginxaas-demo/configurations/default" already exists - to be managed
│ via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_nginx_configuration" for more information.

NOTE: Replace the "SUBSCRIPTIONID" and "RESOURCEGROUPNAME" with the proper data from your subscription and resource group name


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.3
azurerm ~>3.57
random ~>3.0
tls ~>4.0


Name Version
azurerm 3.88.0
external 2.3.2
random 3.6.0


Name Source Version
configureNGINXaaS ./modules/configureNGINXaaS n/a
containers ./modules/containers n/a
deployNGINXaaS ./modules/deployNGINXaaS n/a
keyvault ./modules/keyvault n/a
linux_vm_apps ./modules/linuxvm n/a
nginxcertificate ./modules/nginxcertificate n/a
prerequisites ./modules/prerequisites n/a


Name Type
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
random_pet.pet resource
external_external.myipaddr data source


Name Description Type Default Required
configure Workaround for Bug ID-891. Set false to skip configuration. bool true no
cpu_cores The number of CPU cores to allocate to each container. number 1 no
image Container image to deploy. Should be of the form repoName/imagename:tag for images stored in public Docker Hub, or a fully qualified URI for other registries. Images from private registries require additional registry credentials. string "registry.hub.docker.com/ealen/echo-server:latest" no
instance_size Azure Linux VM instance size string "Standard_B1ls" no
location Azure Region objects will be deployed into string "eastus" no
memory_in_gb The amount of memory to allocate to each container in gigabytes. number 2 no
port Port to open on the container and the public IP address. number 80 no
restart_policy The behavior of Azure runtime if container has stopped. string "Always" no
sku SKU of NGINXaaS deployment string "standard_Monthly" no
ssh_key_file File where existing SSH key is used for loading on instance string n/a yes
tags Tags used on objects created map(any)
"Owner": "addr@example.com",
"env": "Development"


Name Description
NGINX-ip_address IP address of NGINXaaS deployment.
container1_ipv4_address Container 1 private IP address
container2_ipv4_address Container 2 private IP address
demo_app_1_private_ip The Private IP address for Linux VM demonstration application 1
demo_app_1_public_ip The Public IP address for Linux VM demonstration application 1
demo_app_2_private_ip The Private IP address for Linux VM demonstration application 2
demo_app_2_public_ip The Public IP address for Linux VM demonstration application 2
my_public_ip The public IP of the system running Terraform used in Security Group for access control
nginx_default_config_id NGINXaaS deployment default configuration ID