
This is a basic AWS CodePipeline for Cloudformation using GitHub as the source.

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This is a basic AWS CodePipeline for Cloudformation using GitHub as the source.

Step 1 - GitHub repository OAuth token

Create a New personal access token with repo and admin:repo_hook scopes, and enter the token in the GitHubToken field.

Step 2 - Deploy the pipeline

Configure the github-basic-pipeline.json and create the stack.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name github-basic-pipeline \
  --template-body file://github-basic-pipeline.yml \
  --parameters file://github-basic-pipeline.json \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Step 3 - Push a change to the source repo to trigger the pipeline

When you push a change to the source repo, the pipeline will trigger.

  • The SourceStage will clone the repo into the ArtifactSource bucket.
  • The TestStage will deploy the stack using the TestStackConfig file.
  • The ApproveTestStack step is a manual approval step that sends an email notification.
  • Once approved, the DeleteTestStack stage will delete the test stack.
  • The ProdStage will create a changeset for the production stack using the ProdStackConfig file.
  • The ApproveChangeSet stage is a manual approval to execute the changeset against the production stack.
  • Once approved, the changeset will be executed against the production stack.