
A script to prepare the audio edition of The Economist for an MP3 player

Primary LanguageGo


A script to prepare the audio edition of The Economist for an MP3 player.

I listed to the audio edition of "The Economist" while I drive to and from work. This Go script takes care of loading the latest edition onto an SD card for my in-car MP3 player.

  • It assumes that the SD card is mounted at /media/$USER/economist
  • It assumes that the latest edition is in $HOME/Downloads
  • It deletes the section heading files and the letters (I read these online sometimes)
  • It organizes the files into folders, one per section from the newspaper
  • It re-encodes the MP3s to increase the volume. They were too quiet to use in my car.
  • It renames the files to remove spaces and most punctuation.

This is mainly for my own personal use. I doubt anyone else will find it useful, but would love to hear if anyone else uses it.