"AFL LLVM runtime is not built with Rust ..." error reported even if afl is built with the same rust version (afl 0.12.13)
taiki-e opened this issue · 4 comments
My project uses GitHub workflow like the following to check that fuzzing targets can be built.
This worked until afl 0.12.12, but it no longer works in afl 0.12.13.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Rust
run: rustup toolchain add nightly --no-self-update && rustup default nightly
- run: cargo install afl --debug --locked
- run: cargo afl build
working-directory: fuzz/afl
afl 0.12.13 reports the following error:
AFL LLVM runtime is not built with Rust rustc-1.69.0-nightly-8996ea9, run `cargo install --force afl` to build it.
Howver, they are built with the same rust version.
full workflow: https://github.com/taiki-e/parse-changelog/blob/3af71410252899d73a6440ca87525a9bc57c3049/.github/workflows/ci.yml#L133-L148
full ci log: https://github.com/taiki-e/parse-changelog/actions/runs/4139963843/jobs/7158133724
Thanks very much for the bug report, @taiki-e. For now, I yanked version 0.12.13. I will look at this more closely when I have more time.
Actually, I think this is fixed by 0.12.14.
(I had initially thought not, but I think there was an error in my experiment.)
Thanks! I confirmed that this was fixed by 0.12.14 (https://github.com/taiki-e/parse-changelog/actions/runs/4149047413/jobs/7177650586).
Thank you again for the bug report.