- 6
- 13
AFL++'s LLVM plugins are not built by default
#450 opened by smoelius - 1
- 3
Check for `llvm-config` (without a version suffix)
#435 opened by smoelius - 4
- 1
timeouts never register as hangs
#526 opened by mschneider - 4
macOS: shmget() failed
#195 opened by walles - 10
Instructions about building from source
#504 opened by llooFlashooll - 3
- 1
- 0
- 5
- 4
- 1
- 9
Is there a way to see the code coverage?
#465 opened by 0xfocu5 - 2
Help me
#477 opened by azadslevanay - 0
#403 opened by smoelius - 2
Reproducing crashes workflow
#463 opened by jberryman - 1
night is now LLVM 18
#464 opened by vanhauser-thc - 3
Can arbitrary library be used under AFL?
#456 opened by 0xfocu5 - 2
does it support qemu-mode to do black-box fuzzing?
#442 opened by nicylisa - 2
fuzz() function enhancements
#433 opened by vanhauser-thc - 4
Plugins feature breaks afl build?
#434 opened by a1akris - 6
- 2
- 5
"cargo install cargo-afl" Installation error
#423 opened by Taolaw - 10
More effective fuzzing
#323 opened by vanhauser-thc - 7
Lazy static alternatives
#406 opened by lrubasze - 8
How to build with no `fuzzing` flag?
#397 opened by lrubasze - 1
`` to be deprecated
#369 opened by smoelius - 4
Proposal to split into two packages
#335 opened by smoelius - 0
Need install test
#330 opened by smoelius - 1
How to fuzz a project containing C++ code?
#338 opened by nbigaouette - 2
afl fails to install due `BaseDirectories` not being found in crate `xdg`
#186 opened by seamasteruwu - 1
`--max_total_time` to be deprecated
#276 opened by smoelius - 7
- 2
Multi Threaded Support
#313 opened by wcampbell0x2a - 2
Add optional feature to not set 'fuzzing' flag
#305 opened by lrubasze - 2
- 4
"AFL LLVM runtime is not built with Rust ..." error reported even if afl is built with the same rust version (afl 0.12.13)
#299 opened by taiki-e - 4
- 2
`maxlength` flag does not work as expected
#284 opened by louismerlin - 1
- 19
Unable to build 0.11.1: warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE
#202 opened by kvark - 2
feature: Print Debug output when using Arbitrary
#215 opened by ParkMyCar - 2
Incompatible with Arbitrary crate
#209 opened by ParkMyCar - 5
Unknown pass name 'sancov'
#192 opened by smoelius - 4
Fuzzing of servers
#196 opened by MTRNord - 0
- 0