
Rust rewrite of breakpad's minidump_writer

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Rust rewrite of Breakpad's minidump_writer (client)

Rust CI crates.io docs.rs

This project is currently being very actively brought up from nothing, and is really ultimately many separate client implementations for different platforms.

Usage / Examples

The primary use case of this crate is for creating a minidump for an external process (ie a process other than the one that writes the minidump) as writing minidumps from within a crashing process is inherently unreliable. That being said, there are scenarios where creating a minidump can be useful outside of a crash scenario thus each supported platforms has a way to generate a minidump for a local process as well.

For more information on how to dump an external process you can check out the documentation or code for the minidumper crate.


Local process

fn write_minidump() {
    // At a minimum, the crashdump writer needs to know the process and thread that you want to dump
    let mut writer = minidump_writer::minidump_writer::MinidumpWriter::new(
        std::process::id() as _,
        // This gets the current thread, but you could get the id for any thread
        // in the current process
        unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_gettid) } as i32

    // If provided with a full [crash_context::CrashContext](https://docs.rs/crash-context/latest/crash_context/struct.CrashContext.html),
    // the crash will contain more info on the crash cause, such as the signal
    //writer.set_crash_context(minidump_writer::crash_context::CrashContext { inner: crash_context });

    // Here we could add more context or modify how the minidump is written, eg
    // Add application specific memory blocks to the minidump
    // Sanitize stack memory before it is written to the minidump by replacing
    // non-pointer values with a sentinel value

    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    writer.dump(&mut minidump_file).expect("failed to write minidump");

External process

fn write_minidump(crash_context: crash_context::CrashContext) {
    // At a minimum, the crashdump writer needs to know the process and thread that the crash occurred in
    let mut writer = minidump_writer::minidump_writer::MinidumpWriter::new(crash_context.pid, crash_context.tid);

    // If provided with a full [crash_context::CrashContext](https://docs.rs/crash-context/latest/crash_context/struct.CrashContext.html),
    // the crash will contain more info on the crash cause, such as the signal
    writer.set_crash_context(minidump_writer::crash_context::CrashContext { inner: crash_context });

    // Here we could add more context or modify how the minidump is written, eg
    // Add application specific memory blocks to the minidump
    // Sanitize stack memory before it is written to the minidump by replacing
    // non-pointer values with a sentinel value

    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    writer.dump(&mut minidump_file).expect("failed to write minidump");


Local process

fn write_minidump() {
    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    // Attempts to the write the minidump
        // The exception code, presumably one of STATUS_*. Defaults to STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION if not specified
        // If not specified, uses the current thread as the "crashing" thread,
        // so this is equivalent to passing `None`, but it could be any thread
        // in the process
        Some(unsafe { windows_sys::Win32::System::Threading::GetCurrentThreadId() }),
        &mut minidump_file,
    ).expect("failed to write minidump");;

External process

fn write_minidump(crash_context: crash_context::CrashContext) {
    use std::io::{Read, Seek};

    // Create the file to write the minidump to. Unlike MacOS and Linux, the
    // system call used to write the minidump only supports outputting to a file
    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    // Attempts to the write the minidump for the crash context
    minidump_writer::minidump_writer::MinidumpWriter::dump_crash_context(crash_context, &mut minidump_file).expect("failed to write minidump");;

    let mut minidump_contents = Vec::with_capacity(minidump_file.stream_position().expect("failed to get stream length") as usize);
    minidump_file.rewind().expect("failed to rewind minidump file");

    minidump_file.read_to_end(&mut minidump_contents).expect("failed to read minidump");


Local process

fn write_minidump() {
    // Defaults to dumping the current process and thread.
    let mut writer = minidump_writer::minidump_writer::MinidumpWriter::new(None, None)?;

    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    writer.dump(&mut minidump_file).expect("failed to write minidump");

External process

fn write_minidump(crash_context: crash_context::CrashContext) {
    let mut writer = minidump_writer::minidump_writer::MinidumpWriter::with_crash_context(crash_context)?;

    let mut minidump_file = std::fs::File::create("example_dump.mdmp").expect("failed to create file");
    writer.dump(&mut minidump_file).expect("failed to write minidump");

Client Statuses

  • ✅ Usable, but care should be taken in production environments
  • ⚠️ Implemented (ie compiles), but untested and needs more work to be usable
  • ⭕️ Unimplemented, but could be implemented in the future
  • ❌ Unimplemented, and unlikely to ever be implemented
Arch unknown-linux-gnu unknown-linux-musl linux-android pc-windows-msvc apple-darwin apple-ios
x86_64 ⚠️ ⭕️
i686 ⭕️
arm ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⭕️
aarch64 ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⭕️ ⭕️
mips ⭕️ ⭕️
mips64 ⭕️ ⭕️
powerpc ⭕️ ⭕️
powerpc64 ⭕️ ⭕️