
Convert Hatena-Diary XML file to Markdown files for Jekyll

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a converter that build separated markdown files using for Jekyll from a Hatena-Diary XML file, which written with Hatena notations. You can set several pre-defined filters and/or can define your original filters.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hateda2md'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hateda2md


First of all, you get username.xml file from export section of your Hatena Dairy Admin. Then process followings:


require "Hateda2md"

mdb = HateDa::MdBuilder.new('hatena-diary.xml')

# set pre-defined filters
# 定義済みフィルタをセットする
mdb.set :title
mdb.set :subtitle
mdb.set :link
mdb.set :amazon

# run converter 
# 変換を実行する

# save converted data to separated markdown files correspond to each diary
# 変換後のデータを各日記に対応した複数のMarkdownファイルに保存する

This process create several markdown files, which correspond to each diary, not each entry, under md directory. The filenames are constructed from date and title of each diary. Non-ASCII words are removed from the title part in the filename.


To set all pre-defined filters, you can call MdBuilder#pre_defined_filters or HateDa::Converter.pre_defined_filters method.


# read all pre-defined filters
# すべての定義済みフィルタを呼ぶ
filters = mdb.pre_defined_filters
# => [:title, :subtitle, :subsubtitle, :order_list, :unorder_list, :blockquote, :pre, :super_pre, :footnote, :br, :link, :hatebu, :amazon, :youtube, :image, :gist]

# set all the pre-defined filters
# すべての定義済みフィルタをセットする
filters.each { |f| mdb.set f }

Filters of super_pre, footnote, hatebu, amazon, youtube, gist are create a liquid tag. Only for hatebu, youtube, gist, you can select html code to be created, instead of liquid tag by passing false as its second parameter.

super_pre, footnote, hatebu, amazon, youtube, gistの各フィルタはliquid tagを生成します。hatebu, youtube, gistのフィルタに関しては、その第2引数にfalseを渡すことで、liquid tagに代えてhtmlコードを生成させることができます。

You can define your filters using MdBuilder#filter method.


# define a filter to convert wikipedia hatena tag to a correspond liquid tag
# はてな記法によるwikipediaタグをliquid tagに変換するフィルタを定義する
mdb.filter(/\[wikipedia:(.*?)\]/) do |md, st|
  st[:wikipedias] << md[1]
  "{% wikipedia #{md[1]} %}"

MdBuilder#run can take parameters for selecting entries to be converted.


# convert only #20 entry
# 20番目のエントリだけを変換

# convert #100 to last entries
# 100番から最後のエントリを変換

# convert 20 entries from #10
# 10番から20件を変換


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request