Spoiler alert most of the below materials would be for a developers who has novice knowledge of Python and Data Structures
- Python Tricks by Dan Baden
- Python Cookbook by David Beazley & Brian K.Jones
- The Algorithms Design Manual by Steven S.Skiena
- Grooking Algorithm by Aditya Bhargava
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Mcdowell
- realpython.com by avid Pythonistas
- pythontutor.com for visualization
- Core Python
- Data Types
- Closure, Local, Global, and Enclose states
- Global Interpreter Lock
- Memory Management
- MultiThreading / MultiProcessing
- Decorators
- Iterables
- Iterators / Generators
- Context Manager Protocol
- OOP (Encapsulation, Abstraction, MRO, Multiple Inheritance, Dunder Methods, Class Calling Tree, and etc)
- Unit / Integration Tests
- Django / Flask
- Django Architecture
- Git
- CI / CD
- TravisCI
- Jenkins
- GitHub Actions
- Sentry
- Linters
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Docker Image
- Docker Container
- Volume
- Kubernetes
- S3
- Agile Principles
- Agile Manifesto
- 12 Principles of Agile
- Scrum Framework
- SOLID / Design Principles(Creational, Behavioral, and Structural)
- Problem Solving (DS/Algo)
- Caching (Redis / RabbitMQ)
- Celery
- Create 3 projects that would be worth to talk about during the future interviews
- Apply some of the tech stacks into your project
- Prepare your script for the question "Tell me about yourself" more about it read on Cracking the Coding Interview
Even if you fail at your several tries it will worth it because you would identify your knowledge leaks that must be improved