VL53L0X Time of Flight Sensor library for Jetson Development Kits
This repository contains a library to interface with the Pololu VL53L0X carrier board and a couple of examples. The library is based on code located in:
Pololu Arduino Library
morikentiger vl53l0x_driver
libi2c is needed. These can be installed by:
$ sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev i2c-tools -y
I2C needs permissions to run in user space. Defining a udev rule can override this:
$ sudo bash -c 'echo KERNEL=="i2c-[0-7]",MODE="0666" > /etc/udev/rules.d/90-i2c.rules'
A convenience file is provided for the above two steps:
$ ./installPre.sh
Two examples are provided. The first example is in the ./example folder. In order to run the example:
$ cd example $ make $ ./example
The second example is located in ./example/LidarPlotExample
LidarPlotExample.pro is a QT5 project file which may be used to build the second example.