
Vue js Chat client using websockets

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Chat client using websockets

Made with Vue.js, Vuex and Buefy

This is the client, use it with this server: https://github.com/tobiasbeuving/node-websocket-chatserver


  • Connect supplying a username without a roundtrip, other connected users get notified
  • Chatroom: a 2D space where users are represented by an avatar (profile picture)
  • Create and delete chatrooms
  • Move from chatroom to chatroom
  • User list
  • Move avatar across the chatroom: click anywhere in the chatroom and the avatar moves (animates) to that position
  • Send and receive messages: messages are displayed in textballoons near the avatar in the chatroom, and also logged in a messagewindow
  • Whisper mode: click on another user to whisper a message in private
  • Change avatar: drop an image < 200kb directly from your system on your avatar to change it. The image gets sent to the server who in turn sends it to the other users
  • Connection indicator
  • Server side ping pong (so the server can verify if connections to the clients are still alive)
  • (custom) Client side ping pong (so the client can verify if it is still connected to the server)
  • Disconnect and notify other users
install dependencies
npm install
serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
build for production with minification
npm run build
build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report