
Some fun ways to make version control and Kaleidoscope dance

#Kaleidoscope Version Control Tidbits

Some fun ways to make version control and Kaleidoscope dance.

Everything is git right now, but glad to take pull requests for other kinds of VCS.


KSReview is a useful way to do codereviews of feature branches. It will send all the work done on a feature branch since it diverged from master or a specified mainline branch to Kaleidoscope.

Git Alias

ksreview = "!sh -c 'SHA=${1:-HEAD}; BRANCH=${2:-master}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ] ; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $BRANCH...$SHA;' -"

Git One Liner

git config --global alias.ksreview '!f() { local SHA=${1:-HEAD}; local BRANCH=${2:-master}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ]; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $BRANCH...$SHA; }; f'

Git Usage

To review HEAD with master as your mainline branch

git ksreview

To review a branch or sha when master is your mainline branch

git ksreview some-feature-branch-or-sha

To review a branch (or sha) by name with a custom mainline branch

git ksreview some-feature-branch-or-sha mainline-branch


This one comes care of https://twitter.com/stevelosh/status/270931273214746625 with the addition of HEAD as a default value.

KSShow gives you the contents of an arbitrary sha in Kaleidoscope.

Git Alias

ksshow = "!sh -c 'SHA=${1:-HEAD}; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $SHA^..$SHA;' -"

Git One Liner

git config --global alias.ksshow '!f() { local SHA=${1:-HEAD}; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $SHA^..$SHA; }; f'

Git Usage

To open the most recent commit on the current branch in Kaleidoscope

git ksshow

To open an arbitrary sha in Kaleidoscope

git ksshow some-sha


KSDiff is just a more compact version of difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope for people who don't use Kaleidoscope as the default difftool.

Git Alias

ksdiff = difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope

Git One Liner

git config --global alias.ksdiff "difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope"

Git Usage

To see the contents of the most recent commit

git ksdiff HEAD^..HEAD


A coworker of mine pointed out that it might be nice to give some of these more idiomatic git like names, so for people that like that kind of thing:

ksreview becomes

review = "!sh -c 'SHA=${1:-HEAD}; BRANCH=${2:-develop}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ] ; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git diff $BRANCH...$SHA;' -"


reviewtool = "!sh -c 'SHA=${1:-HEAD}; BRANCH=${2:-develop}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ] ; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $BRANCH...$SHA;' -"

ksshow becomes

showtool = "!sh -c 'SHA=${1:-HEAD}; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $SHA^..$SHA;' -"