
Flask webapp to mock up use of psycopg3 connection pool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

psycopg3-connpool test

Simple Flask webapp to implement / test functionality and performance of the new psycopg3 connection pool.

See: https://www.psycopg.org/psycopg3/docs/advanced/pool.html

Assuming Python 3.7+

cd ~/venv/
python -m venv psycopg3
source ~/venv/psycopg3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Env vars

The webapp needs a Postgres connection string. It can be set as an environment, this persists it in the users' directory as a protected file (same premise as ~/.pgpass).

touch ~/.psycopg3-connpool.env
chmod 0600 ~/.psycopg3-connpool.env
nano ~/.psycopg3-connpool.env

Add your Postgres connection string to the .env file. This example assumes a ~/.pgpass file is setup with the password, and the port is the default 5432.


Run Flask webapp, provide the env var to the script.

env $(cat ~/.psycopg3-connpool.env | grep -v ^# | xargs) python run_server.py

Locust tests

Run w/ GUI.

locust -f locustfiles/pool_users.py

Headless, uses the shape defined in the locust file.

mkdir locust_out

locust --headless --only-summary \
    -H \
    --html locust_out/pool_reporting.html \
    -f locustfiles/pool_users.py

Setup for tests

sudo su - postgres
dropdb bench_test
createdb bench_test
pgbench -i -s 100 bench_test

Baseline test. Setting thread count (-j 2) to # CPU / 2. Client count = 5 per thread. Run wide open and get rough expectation for TPS and latency ballpark.

pgbench -c 10 -j 2 -T 600 bench_test

Results from Digital Ocean droplet w/ 4 AMD CPU and 8 GB RAM, SSDs.

starting vacuum...end.

transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 10
number of threads: 2
duration: 600 s
number of transactions actually processed: 2260097
latency average = 2.652 ms
latency stddev = 1.212 ms
tps = 3766.762091 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3766.782316 (excluding connections establishing)


dropdb bench_test
createdb bench_test
pgbench -i -s 100 bench_test

WARNING: Only run this on a TEST system!!!

Remove log files to setup pgBadger report to only have the following pgbench test.

sudo rm /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log*
sudo systemctl restart postgresql

PgBadger reports created with:

mkdir pgbadger
pgbadger --anonymize /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log* -o pgbadger/test_name.html