rusty1s/pytorch_cluster depends on `torch`

dyollb opened this issue · 4 comments

I would like to create a python package that installs its dependencies properly using pip.
Unfortunately, the install fails because pytorch-cluster expects torch to already be installed.

Simply trying to install torch-cluster using pip install torch-cluster fails. First, you need to install pytorch, and only then install pytorch-cluster.


Originally I hoped it would simply suffice to add torch here. But the depends on torch to build. It seems that pytorch C++ extensions are done in this way.

Is there any workaround (using pip)?

The only workaround for this right now is to install from the wheels page (i.e., by specifying -f in the pip install command). This way, torch is not required to install the package.

hmm. I did that but it doesn't work. I tried installing (copy pasted from the README) via

pip install torch-cluster -f

which gives me:

System specs:

  • Python 3.10.11
  • Apple M2
  • Sonoma 14.0
  • Darwin Kernel Version 23.0.0

Btw, independent of the issue above, surely torch-cluster should explicitly depend on torch. Currently it doesn't (see here):

That's because you are trying to install on Apple M2 for which do not exist pre-built wheels (only for Intel-Mac at the moment) :(

Okay, understood. Thanks!