- 2
Missing `omp.h` error
#216 opened by bd-fauna - 4
Err: source code compile
#215 opened by chenbq18 - 0
- 0
Wrong `knn` declaration in `cluster.h`
#235 opened by IlliaOvcharenko - 0
- 0
- 0
Node2Vec with raw PyTorch
#230 opened by bokveizen - 3
Unable to pip install torch-cluster
#209 opened by atharvabagde - 1
CMake compilation should use C++17 for PyTorch 2?
#229 opened by GericoVi - 3
warning when work with torch.compile
#200 opened by heyfavour - 1
Simplify build wheels github workflow pipeline
#212 opened by MiroPsota - 1
`radius_graph` bug: it might produce `max_num_neighbors + 1` neighbors for both CPU and GPU versions
#219 opened by stslxg-nv - 1
Bug/regression in radius function
#227 opened by leachim - 0
Add Haversine distance metric
#226 opened by mishooax - 6
- 5
Still there: Incompatibility with bfloat16
#203 opened by borisfom - 3
pip install not working with torch==2.3.0
#223 opened by hsharsh - 0
installation failed with torch 1.13
#224 opened by twangnh - 2
- 1
ARM64 torch_cluster.radius bug
#217 opened by JSSchmidt - 4
- 3
Support for Python 3.12.*
#220 opened by Les1ie - 10
Poetry / PEP 517 build support
#185 opened by hongbo-miao - 3
RuntimeError: Not compiled with CUDA support,help torch is 2.1.0 and my cuda is 12.0.
#201 opened by zhouyupeng973 - 2
can k >100 in knn?
#199 opened by heyfavour - 2
How to install pytorch_cluster in a win10 based system
#198 opened by agl71 - 1
Binaries for PPC (ppc64le) architecture.
#197 opened by jsun57 - 2
How to run fps algorithm in editable mode?
#196 opened by utkarsh0902311047 - 8
- 2
- 2
#192 opened by cxw-droid - 11
Help!RuntimeError: Not complied with CUDA support
#186 opened by MsCongs - 2
[Installation/Compiling] Building wheel for torch-cluster failed for CUDA 12.1
#210 opened by DylanWaken - 4 depends on `torch`
#204 opened by dyollb - 7
random_walk_cuda is causing an illegal memory access
#176 opened by ProfDoof - 2
Support for AMD GPUs (ROCm) via HIP?
#178 opened by maharjun - 10
- 2
No such operator torch_cluster::fps_ptr_list
#193 opened by Li-Yingda - 2
Variable K in KNN
#173 opened by mrzzmrzz - 3
CUDA 12.1 binaries
#190 opened by schmidt-ai - 3
- 2
- 3
Support Python 3.11 for conda packages
#187 opened by function2-llx - 4
Install torch-cluster for C++
#184 opened by AmadouTidjani - 1
Documentation error?
#182 opened by tueboesen - 5
- 4
- 4
How to sample k points in fps
#174 opened by ZhaochongAn - 5
about radius and radius_graph
#171 opened by alpha-beta-user - 2