
pyOpenSSL playground

Primary LanguagePython

Truststore Inspector

Truststore Inspector Tests

Check Certificates, verify hosts

If you want to automate either of the following OpenSSL commands, this repo could help:

openssl s_client -CApath /path/to/certs -connect google.com:443
openssl verify -partial_chain -CApath /path/to/certs google_intca.pem


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The repo solely relies on pyOpenSSL [ a thin wrapper around the C OpenSSL library ].


usage: main.py [-h] [--hostnames-file HOSTNAMES_FILE] [-c CERTS_PATH] [-r REHASH_PATH] [-p]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hostnames-file HOSTNAMES_FILE, -f HOSTNAMES_FILE
                        Path to text file that includes hostnames to check
  -c CERTS_PATH, --certs-path CERTS_PATH
                        Path to directory of Root and Intermediate Cert Authority certificates
  -r REHASH_PATH, --rehash-path REHASH_PATH
                        Path to OpenSSL's c_rehash tool. This generates the symbolic required for OpenSSL's Verify()
                        to work if you don't include this value, it will default to ~/openssl/bin
  -p, --print-truststore-info
                        Prints out information about the directory of Root and Intermediate Cert Authority
                        certificates. This is the Truststore.

Print Trust Store

This list of Certificates represents the Trust Store that OpenSSL will use to verify your certificate:

python3 main.py -p

[*]Creating symbolic links for OpenSSL
[*]Certificates in Trust Store :4

|                    Subject Name                    |                       Issuer                       |         Type         |                 Filename                 |        Expiry        |
| Let's Encrypt Authority X3                         | DST Root CA X3                                     | Unknown              | so_int_ca.pem                            | 17-Mar-2021          |
| Amazon                                             | Amazon Root CA 1                                   | Unknown              | httpbin-org-IntCA.pem                    | 21-Oct-2040          |
| DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA             | DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA                 | Unknown              | github_int_ca.pem                        | 22-Oct-2028          |
| GTS CA 1O1                                         | GlobalSign                                         | Unknown              | google_int_ca.pem                        | 15-Dec-2021          |

|                         Expired/Expiring Cert                          |     Expiry Date      |
| Let's Encrypt Authority X3                                             | 17-Mar-2021          |

[*]clean-up.  Deleted all symbolic links.

Verify hostnames and certificate chains

python3 main.py -f hostnames.txt            # used default Certificate folder ( /support/ca_files )

|                     Hostnames                      |   Socket   |         Good 5 / Bad 1         |
| blackhole.dead                                     | fail       | get_address_info() error       |
| stackoverflow.com                                  | connected  | ('', 443)        |
| httpbin.org                                        | connected  | ('', 443)        |
| github.com                                         | connected  | ('', 443)          |
| google.com                                         | connected  | ('', 443)        |
| microsoft.com                                      | connected  | ('', 443)            |

|             Server             |  OpenSSL Error  |        Cert Common Name        |        Cert Issuer Name        |   Depth    |
| stackoverflow.com              | 20              | R3                             | DST Root CA X3                 | 1          |
| microsoft.com                  | 19              | Baltimore CyberTrust Root      | Baltimore CyberTrust Root      | 2          |

|         Verified hosts         |   TLS Version   |          TLS Cipher family          | Handshake time  |
| httpbin.org                    | TLSv1.2         | ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256         | 0.286           |
| github.com                     | TLSv1.2         | ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256         | 0.087           |
| google.com                     | TLSv1.2         | ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305       | 0.116           |

[*]Verifier class clean-up. Deleted all symbolic links.

Process finished with exit code 0

Design choices

pyOpenSSL is a good way to get familiar with the C OpenSSL APIs, Structs and Flags. This repo does NOT use Python's more commonly used libraries ssl or cryptography.

The notable decisions:
  • Opens a Socket to a server.
  • The code will report errors if a hostname fails socket.getaddr or socket.connect().
  • context = Context(TLSv1_2_METHOD) create an object instance used for setting up new SSL connections.
  • TLSv1_2_METHOD is chosen because TLSv1_3_METHOD is not available in pyOpenSSL.
  • The context sets load_verify_locations to a directory of Certificates.
  • The context sets set_verify(VERIFY_PEER, verify_cb) to require a certificate and then callback with the verify result.
  • Python Context Managers are used to kick-off the c_rehash tool and clean-up the symbolic links it generated.

The class LeafVerify relies on OpenSSL.crypto from pyOpenSSL.

Underneath the code

Don't ignore the openSSL tool called: c_rehash. If you type man verify from a terminal it will show an OpenSSL help page:

-CApath directory A directory of trusted certificates. The certificates should have names of the form: hash.0 or have symbolic links to them of this form ("hash" is the hashed certificate subject name: see the -hash option of the x509 utility). Under Unix the c_rehash script will automatically create symbolic links to a directory of certificates.

The c_rehash tool does that work for you:

rehash scans directories and calculates a hash value of each ".pem", ".crt", ".cer", or ".crl" file in the specified directory list and creates symbolic links for each file

The code in this repo assumes you have a directory of Certificates. These certificates represent your Trust Store - and you have the c_rehashtool installed:

class Verifier:
    def __init__(self, ca_dir=Path(getcwd() + '/support/ca_files'),
                 c_rehash_loc=environ['HOME'] + '/openssl/bin/c_rehash'):

If you don't have the symbolic links the verify step will fail.

A good directory of Root and Int Certificate Authorities

After c_rehash runs on two certificates, it will auto generate two symbolic links:


Wait! Don't you need the full certificate chain? That depends on what flags you passed into the Context for OpenSSL. You can find the Partial-Chain flag added in this repo. Just the Int CA is enough to verify a peer. No Root CA required.

Testing old versions of OpenSSL

Is it possible to downgrade the OpenSSL library used by pyOpenSSL? Firstly, it is useful to check:

from OpenSSL.debug import _env_info

if __name__ == '__main__':

That reveals:

pyOpenSSL: 20.0.0
cryptography: 3.2.1
cffi: 1.14.3
cryptography's compiled against OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1h  22 Sep 2020
cryptography's linked OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1h  22 Sep 2020
Python's OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020
Python executable: /Users/a9006113/ydvenv/bin/python
Python version: 3.8.5 (default, Sep 18 2020, 11:34:27) 
[Clang 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.62)]
Platform: darwin

To lower the OpenSSL version, lower the Cryptography version. With a Python Virtual Environment it is simple and safe to have a throwaway setup, when testing multiple versions.