
Docker MariaDB server w/ S6 Overlay, Zabbix Monitoring based on Alpine

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Pulls Docker Stars Docker Layers


Dockerfile to build a MariaDB Server Image.

  • Configuration tweaked to use all around settings for general usage - Can be changed
  • Can use official Mysql/MariaDB environment variables (MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD)
  • Allows for automatically creating multiple databases on container initialization
  • Automatic Table/DB Upgrade support if MariaDB version has changed
  • Includes MySQL Tuner inside image to optimize your configuration
  • Zabbix Monitoring for metrics

Also has the capability of backing up embedded in the container based on the rusxakep/dbbackup image which includes the following features:

  • dump to local filesystem

  • Backup all databases

  • choose to have an MD5 sum after backup for verification

  • delete old backups after specific amount of time

  • choose compression type (none, gz, bz, xz)

  • select how often to run a dump

  • select when to start the first dump, whether time of day or relative to container start time

  • This Container uses a customized Alpine Linux base which includes s6 overlay enabled for PID 1 Init capabilities, zabbix-agent for individual container monitoring, Cron also installed along with other tools (bash,curl, less, logrotate, mariadb-client, nano, vim) for easier management. It also supports sending to external SMTP servers..



Table of Contents



Automated builds of the image are available on Docker Hub and is the recommended method of installation.

docker pull rusxakep/mariadb

Quick Start



The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

Directory Description
/var/lib/mysql MySQL Data Directory
/etc/mysql/conf.d Optional directory to put .cnf files for additional directives
/backup Optional directory for backups

Environment Variables

Along with the Environment Variables from the Base image, below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your installation.

Parameter Description Default
CHARACTER_SET Set Default Character Set utf8mb4
COLLATION Set Default Collation utf8mb4_general_ci
ROOT_PASS Root Password for Instance (e.g. password)
DB_AUTO_UPGRADE If MariaDB has changed from first time image has been used, automatically upgrade DBs and tables to latest versions - TRUE / FALSE TRUE
DB_CONFIGURATION Type of Configuration - standard, or default standard
DB_NAME Optional - Automatically Create Database - Seperate with commas for multiple databases
DB_USER Optional - Automatically Assign Username Priveleges to Database (e.g. mysqluser)
DB_PASS Password for authentication to above database (e.g. password)
  • With regards to DB_CONFIGURATION
    • default - Means the default my.cnf file from MariaDB
    • standard - My own settings that I find work for my own DB servers.

This image can also backup databases on a scheduled basis as well. These environment variables are:

Parameter Description Default
DB_BACKUP Enable TRUE or disable FALSE embedded backup routines FALSE
DB_BACKUP_COMPRESSION Use either Gzip GZ, Bzip2 BZ, XZip XZ, or none NONE GZ
DB_BACKUP_DUMP_FREQ How often to do a dump, in minutes. Defaults to 1440 minutes, or once per day.
DB_BACKUP_DUMP_BEGIN What time to do the first dump. Defaults to immediate. Must be in one of two formats
Absolute HHMM, e.g. 2330 or 0415
Relative +MM, i.e. how many minutes after starting the container, e.g. +0 (immediate), +10 (in 10 minutes), or +90 in an hour and a half
DB_BACKUP_CLEANUP_TIME Value in minutes to delete old backups (only fired when dump freqency fires). 1440 would delete anything above 1 day old. You don't need to set this variable if you want to hold onto everything.
DB_BACKUP_MD5 Generate MD5 Sum in Directory, TRUE or FALSE TRUE
DB_BACKUP_PARALLEL_COMPRESSION Use multiple cores when compressing backups TRUE or FALSE TRUE
DB_BACKUP_SPLIT_DB If using root as username and multiple DBs on system, set to TRUE to create Seperate DB Backups instead of all in one. FALSE


The following ports are exposed.

Port Description
3306 MariaDB Server


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

docker exec -it (whatever your container name is e.g. mariadb) bash

Mysql Tuner

This image comes with Mysql Tuner. Simply enter inside the container and execute mysql-tuner along with your arguments.

Manual Backups can be perforemd by entering the container and typing backup-now
