
Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains a python implementation of a DAG executor (executor.py).

The executor runs throug the reading of a workflow file in the json format, containig the dags definition.

In order for this executor to work, you have to keep the workflow json files and the functions implementations (used in the tasks) in the root folder.

How to use?

You can run the executor in a linux terminal, with the following comand:

    python3 ./executor.py workflow.json

where "workflow" is the name of your workflow file

Each workflow file (DAG) must contain a list of tasks, where each task is also defined as an object containg the following attributes:

* number - The task ID.
* function  - The fuction that will be performed in the task.
* input - An object containing the pairs: parameter name and value, that will be passed to the function.
* pre-conditions - A list of the tasks IDs the current task depends on.

If you want to access the previous results of the task you depends on, you must pass the parameter 'previous_results' set to "True" to the input attribute.

- "previous_results" : "True"

- In the function implementation you must access the previous result you need using the key: 'task_id' where 'id' is 
the id of the task you want the results 
    - Ex: previous_results['task_0]

All of functions used in the tasks, must be defined in py script named with the same name of the function. In the py script, you have to define a function named main (this is mandatory) having thte same parameters indicated in input.

For example, if you have the following task definition:

    "number" : 0,
    "function": "sum_numbers",
    "input": {"number_1": 1, "number_2" : 2]},
    "pre-conditions": []

Suposing your function only sum two numbers, you would create a file named sum_numbers.py and this file will have the following structure:

def main(number_1, number_2):

    return number_1 + number_2

If your functions need to access results of other task, you neeed add the parameter 'previous_results' as a parameter in the function implementation.

For example, if you have the following task definition: { "number" : 1, "function": "my_function", "input": {"previous_results" : "True", "my_param": 1 }, "pre-conditions": [0] }

Then, besides your params, the function definition will have to include previous_results as a param.

  def main(previous_results, my_param):
     #Form of accessing the result of task 0
     result_task_0 = previous_results['task_0'] 
     #Function body example...
     print(my_param,result_task_0 )

It is provided in this repo, two workflows example: workflow_data.json an work_flow_test0.json

For a better understanding, we wil briefly explain the workflow_data.json file. But you can always consult the other examples.


In this workflow we will read a dataset named 'sports_data.csv'. This dataset contains informations about sports preferences. It possess the following columns: person (the person name), plays (the sport the peerson plays), and birth_dt.

    "tasks": [{
        "number" : 0,
        "function": "drop_nans",
        "input": {"path": "sports_data.csv", "subset": ["plays"]},
        "pre-conditions": []
        "number" : 1,
        "function": "compute_age",
        "input": {"previous_results": "True", "col": "birth_dt"},
        "pre-conditions": [0]

        "number": 2,
        "function": "groupby",
        "input": {"previous_results": "True", "by": ["plays", "age"], "agg_func": "size"},
        "pre-conditions": [1]

Tasks description

Task 0 - Reads the dataset and drop nan values

    function : In this task we execute the function: drop_nans.

    input: The parameters of drop_nans are specified in 'input'. Here we have 'path' - the location of the dataset and
    subset - the columns used as subset for dropping.

    pre-conditions: As this task does not rely in any other, the 'pre-conditions' are set as an empty list

Task 1 - Receives the results of task 0 and add the column 'age'.

    function : In this task we execute the function: compute_age.

    input: The parameters of drop_nans are specified in 'input'. Here we have 'previous_results' - 
    indicating we want the result of the depending task (0),  and 'col' - indicating the column we will use 
    for computing the age, in this case: 'birth_dt'

    pre-conditions: This task depends on taks 0, since it will use the dataframe without nans to add the column 'age'

Task 2 - Group the data.

    function: In this taks we perform the function groupby.

    input: The parameters of groupby are speciefied in input. Here we have 'previous_results' - indicating we want 
    the result of the depending task (1), 'by' - the coloumns we will group the data by,
    and agg_func - the aggregation function.

    pre-conditions: This task depends on taks 1, since it will use the column 'age' as one of our groupers, 
    and this columns was added on the task 1