Protect chests, doors and other blocks in Minecraft from being opened using protection signs
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A problem was discovered here, the ‘’catserver‘’server is used,Plugin not running
#206 opened by bulenzarathos - 0
I cant set another peoples on the chest
#207 opened by Firesco - 2
[Feature request] Allow [Private] tag on back side
#187 opened by cbygh - 2
- 0
No problem, possible idea
#205 opened by TheCiROMG - 0
Hopper Issue
#204 opened by ryanrco - 0
Version 1.21 is supported
#203 opened by 2534905003 - 0
Can you add support for Folia
#201 opened by Haclcon - 0
1.21 support?
#199 opened by Kelvinouo - 1
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#186 opened by trazodana - 0
BlockLocker and Saberfactions
#195 opened by IlPlenilunio - 1
Is 1.20.6 Supported?
#193 opened by Raidware - 2
- 2
- 1
Disable hopper check [ Feature request ]
#173 opened by 7hatGuyAJ - 0
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se puede robar con tolvas
#171 opened by Karen-mtz21 - 1
performance issues
#188 opened by matipoirierg - 2
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Players can break other players protected signs
#181 opened by dragonfruit26 - 0
Can "BlockLocker" intercept left-clicks?
#189 opened by CatTeaA - 1
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Automatically Protected Blocks
#179 opened by JasdanVM - 1
#185 opened by Silvestre06 - 0
mushroom growth to break the protected chest
#183 opened by YuanYuanOwO - 1
Hopper and the Containers
#182 opened by JeSuisTrolls - 1
Support for 1.20.2
#178 opened by diedthreetimes - 0
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Cant edit the protective signs
#169 opened by elricers - 2
Plugin not working 1.20.1?
#167 opened by Vasegaard - 3
dont working to me
#166 opened by Tolmwn - 0
Stealing items from chests with Upgradeable Hoppers
#168 opened by ttt0 - 3
[Everyone] unable to bypass protection plugins
#165 opened by baailey - 5
- 2
Plugin works in wrong place
#162 opened by CleMooling - 4
Hope compatible 1.20 this plugin
#161 opened by LoveXiaoMan - 1
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Consider fitting the following Folia?
#159 opened by xiaoyueyoqwq - 2
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Edit : I won't use the plugin but code mine
#157 opened by WarnDa - 0
Edit : I won't use the plugin but code mine
#156 opened by WarnDa - 1
Block Locker Custom GUI
#151 opened by TheCiROMG - 0
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