
A Parallelism Profiler and an Adviser for Task Parallel Programs.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

TaskProf2 is a parallelism profiler and an adviser for task parallel programs that use the Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB). As a parallelism profiler, it identifies regions with serialization bottlenecks, tasking overheads, and the secondary effects of execution. As an adviser, it automatically identifies a set of code regions that matter in improving parallelism with its what-if analyses.

PART 1 - Getting Started


TaskProf2 relies on hardware support for performance counters. To access the performance counters, TaskProf2 must be executed directly on the machine and not through a VM. Currently available VMs cannot access the host machine's performance counters. The build script that we provide for installation, checks if the machine supports hardware performance counters. Alternatively, to check if the machine supports hardware performance counters,

dmesg | grep PMU

If the output is "Performance Events: Unsupported...", then the machine does not support performance counters and TaskProf cannot be executed on the machine.

Similarly, we recommend that you disable hyper-threading on the machine. You can execute the following command to check the number of threads per core,

lscpu | grep -i -E "^CPU(s):|core|socket"

If the "Thread(s) per core" is greater than 1, then the machine has hyper-threading enabled and should be disabled on the machine.

We have tested TaskProf2 on Linux machines running Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.


We use <ART_ROOT> to refer to the base directory of this repository.

Install perf. On Ubuntu, the following command can be used to install perf.

sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r`

We had to extend the TBB library to enable measurement of performance counter events. We provide two version of the TBB library. (1) TBB without TaskProf extensions to measure running time and speedup, and (2) TBB with TaskProf extensions for profiling. Install each version in a separate shell

Install TBB without TaskProf

source build_orig_tbb.sh

In a separate shell, install TBB and TaskProf2

source build_tprof.sh	


We demonstrate how to use TaskProf2 with test programs. First, we show how to TaskProf2's what-if analyses to identify serialization/scalability bottlenecks and regions that must be optimized to increase parallelism. Next, we show how TaskProf2 identifies spawn sites with high task creation overheads. Finally, we show how to identify secondary effects using TaskProf2's differential analyses.

What-if analyses

We demonstrate TaskProf2's what-if analyses using the "primes" example.

cd <ART_ROOT>/tests/primes

First, measure the speedup of the primes program (on the shell with TBB without TaskProf2 extensions)

cd orig

Run serial program and then task based program

time ./detect_primes 0 10000000
time ./detect_primes_tasks 0 10000000 2500000

Expected speedup is 2.89X.

Next, run the primes program with TaskProf2(On shell with TBB with TaskProf2).

cd <ART_ROOT>/tests/primes/tprof
./detect_primes_tasks 0 10000000 2500000

Generate what-if regions and profile


This generates four csv files. The parallelism_profile.csv specifies the parallelism of the program(first line after headers) and the parallelism at each spawn site in the program(rest of the lines). The parallelism of the program should be around 2.9.

The what_if_regions.csv file specifies the regions that must be optimized to increase the parallelism in the program. For the primes program, TaskProf2 specifies the region between lines 32 and 47 in detect_primes_tasks.cpp file. To optimize this region re-run the program with reduced grain size.

./detect_primes_tasks 0 10000000 10000

The parallelism in parallelism_profile.csv has increased to 216.3.

Similarly, the speedup of the program on TBB without TaskProf2 shell would have increased 3.85X to after executing,

time ./detect_primes_tasks 0 10000000 10000

Task creation overhead

We demonstrate how TaskProf2 highlights task creation overheads using a test program. In the shell with TaskProf2

cd <ART_ROOT>/tests/sched_overhead/
./test_task_creation 1

This generates the tasking overhead profile in the file task_overhead_profile.csv. The profile shows that the program has a high task creation overhead of 87% of the total useful work. Three spawn sites at lines 46,47 and 69 contribute almost all of the overhead at 35, 35, and 28 percent respectively.

Now, reduce the task creation overhead by increasing the grainsize and generate the profile.

./test_task_creation 512

In the task_overhead_profile.csv, the overall task creation overhead reduced from 87% to 4%.

Secondary effects

We demonstrate TaskProf2's differential analyses to identify secondary effects using an example that has false sharing. First, measure the speedup of the program in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/tests/false_sharing/orig
time ./ser_small_array
time ./par_small_array

The parallel program should run slower than the serial program. Now in the shell will TBB with TaskProf2, run the differential analyses profiler.

The differential analyses profiler is a python script located in <ART_ROOT>/scripts. The python script automates performing differential analyses over multiple performance counters and generates the profile in the file diff_profile.csv.

cd <ART_ROOT>/tests/false_sharing/tprof
python ../../../scripts/diff_profiler.py -b par_small_array

Running the python script will take about 5 minutes to complete. The diff_profile.csv file shows the differential profile for the test program. The profile shows in the first line that the program has high inflation in cycles (25.7X). It also highlight the region at line 25 (parallel_for) in par_small_array.cpp file as having high inflation in cycles and HITM counters. This region is experiencing false sharing.

After fixing the false sharing,

python ../../../scripts/diff_profiler.py -b par_small_array_padded

The diff_profile.csv does not show inflation in cycles, and negligible inflation in other counters.

Next, measure the speedup after fixing the false sharing in the shell with TBB without TaskProf2.

time ./par_small_array_padded

This should show a speedup of almost 16X over the serial execution.

PART 2 - Step-by-step Instructions

In this section, we will demonstrate how to use TaskProf2 on all of the case studies described in the paper. The applications used in the case studies are provided in the "benchmarks" directory. Please maintain two shells, one with TBB without TaskProf2 extensions for speedup measurements, and other with TBB and TaskProf2 for profiling. For each application, we provide two versions, (1) the original program, (2) the program after optimizing the regions we found with TaskProf2.


Measure the initial speedup of original MILCmk program in the shell with TBB without TaskProf2 Extensions.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/MILCmk/orig/MILCmk
source run.sh

The run.sh shell script will run both the serial and parallel versions of the program and print the running times of the programs. The speedup of the parallel execution over the serial execution should be around 2.2X.

We provide a script that will execute both the what-if analyses and differential analysis on the program. In the shell with TaskProf2 and TBB,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/MILCmk/tprof/MILCmk
source run.sh

This will generate the generate the parallelism profile, tasking overhead profile, what-if regions, what-if profile, and differential analysis profile similar to Figure 5(a), 5(b), and 5(d) in the paper. The diff_profile.csv results may not be exactly similar to the results in the paper, since the numbers depend on the actual execution environment. Nevertheless, it should show 5 regions to have high inflation in all counters. The regions are parallel_for calls at QLA_F3_M_veq_M_times_pM.c:29 QLA_F3_V_vpeq_M_times_pV.c:27 QLA_F3_D_vpeq_spproj_M_times_pD.c:50 QLA_F3_V_veq_Ma_times_V.c:27 QLA_F3_V_vmeq_pV.c:22

After optimizing the regions highlighted in the profiles, we provide the optimized code in,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/MILCmk/orig/optimized

Measure the speedup after optimization by executing the run.sh shell script in the shell with TBB without TaskProf2.

source run.sh

The speedup of the program should increase to about 5.5X. The TaskProf2 profiles after optimization can be generated by,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/MILCmk/tprof/optimized
source run.sh

The overall inflation in the program reduces. The inflation in the 5 regions mentioned above should also reduce. The task creation overhead will also reduce.


Measure the initial speedup of the original NBody program in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2 Extensions. For the first run the input file has to be generated.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/nbody/orig/nbody
cd parallelCK
source generate_inputs.sh

To run the serial and parallel versions of the program to measure speedup,

source run.sh

The speedup of the program should be around 12.2X.

In the shell with TBB for TaskProf2, run the program with TaskProf2's what-if analyses. We provide a shell script.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/nbody/tprof/nbody/parallelCK
source generate_inputs.sh (only the first time)
source run.sh

The task_overhead_profile.csv should show that the program has a tasking overhead of 16 percent (first line). Most of the tasking overhead is due to three lines CK.C:276, CK.C:289, and CK.C:300. This should be similar to the profiles shown in Figure 7 in the paper.

To measure the speedup after optimization,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/nbody/orig/optimized/parallelCK
source generate_inputs.sh (only the first time in current directory)
source run.sh

The speedup of the program should increase to 13.8X. To generate the profiles after optimization,

 cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/nbody/tprof/optimized/parallelCK
 source generate_inputs.sh (only the first time)
 source run.sh

The tasking overhead of the program should reduce.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/minSpanningForest/orig/minSpanningForest/parallelKruskal
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 6.4X. In the shell with TBB for TaskProf2, run the program with TaskProf2's what-if analyses

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/minSpanningForest/tprof/minSpanningForest/parallelKruskal
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The parallel_profile.csv file shows the parallelism in the program. The first line in the what_if_regions.csv profile shows the region between the lines sequence.h,227 and sampleSort.h,143. This region contains two function calls, transpose and blockTrans which are being executed serially. These profiles correspond to Figure 7(II) in the paper.

After parallelizing the two functions, to measure speedup, run the following commands,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/minSpanningForest/orig/optimized/parallelKruskal
source generate_inputs.sh (first time only)

The speedup after parallelization with increase to about 9X.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/lulesh/orig/lulesh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 4.1X. Run TaskProf2's differential analyses in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/lulesh/tprof/lulesh
source run.sh

This will generate the differential analysis profile in diff_profile.csv file similar to Figure 6 in the paper. The diff_profile.csv results may not be exactly similar to the results in the paper, since the numbers depend on the actual execution environment. The profile shows a high inflation of about 4X for the entire program (first line, CYCLES). It shows 2 regions to have high inflation in all counters. The regions are parallel_for calls at lulesh.cc:2823 lulesh.cc:2847

To measure the speedup after optimization, in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2, run,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/lulesh/orig/optimized
source run.sh

The speedup improves to about 5.8X after removing the secondary effects.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/swaptions/orig/swaptions
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 11.5X. Next, run TaskProf2's tasking overhead analyses in the shell for TBB with TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/swaptions/tprof/swaptions
source run.sh

The task_overhead_profile.csv should show that the program has a tasking overhead of about 48 percent and the spawn site at HJM_SimPath_Forward_Blocking.cpp line 136 contributes almost all of the tasking overhead. The profile is similar to Figure 8 in the paper.

To measure the speedup after optimization in the shell with TBB without TaskProf2, run

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/swaptions/orig/optimized
source run.sh

The speedup should increase to about 14X.

To check if the optimization reduced the tasking overhead in the program, in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2, run

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/swaptions/tprof/optimized
source run.sh

The tasking overhead reduces to about 8-12% similar to Figure 8 in the paper.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/breadthFirstSearch/orig/bfs/deterministicBFS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 6.6X. Next run what-if analyses in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/breadthFirstSearch/tprof/bfs/deterministicBFS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The parallel_profile.csv file shows the parallelism in the program to be 24. The what-if analyses identifies a region in graph.h copy function which was parallelized. To check the speedup after parallelization,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/breadthFirstSearch/orig/optimized/deterministicBFS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The speedup of the program increases to 8X after parallelization.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/spanningForest/orig/spanningForest/incrementalST
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 7X. Next run what-if analyses in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/spanningForest/tprof/spanningForest/incrementalST
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The parallel_profile.csv file shows the parallelism in the program to be 36. The what-if analyses identifies a region in graphIO.h file delete function which was parallelized. To check the speedup after parallelization,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/spanningForest/orig/optimized/incrementalST
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The speedup of the program increases to 8.2X after parallelization.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/suffixArray/orig/suffixArray/parallelKS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 2.1X. Next run what-if analyses in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/suffixArray/tprof/suffixArray/parallelKS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The parallel_profile.csv file shows the parallelism in the program to be around 6. The what-if analyses identifies a region in merge.h file which was parallelized. To check the speedup after parallelization,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/suffixArray/orig/optimized/parallelKS
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The speedup of the program increases to about 6X after parallelization.


Measure initial speedup in the shell for TBB without TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/comparisonSort/orig/compSort/sampleSort
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The initial speedup is around 4.9X. Next run what-if analyses in the shell with TBB and TaskProf2.

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/comparisonSort/tprof/compSort/sampleSort
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The parallel_profile.csv file shows the parallelism in the program to be around 28. The what-if analyses identifies a region in transpose.h file which was parallelized. To check the speedup after parallelization,

cd <ART_ROOT>/benchmarks/comparisonSort/orig/optimized/sampleSort
source generate_inputs.sh
source run.sh

The speedup of the program increases to about 6.5X after parallelization.