Spring Boot application for Internet of Things microservices - currently works with EasyBulb/MiLight
This leverages the MilightAPI code from stoman on GitHub - https://github.com/stoman/MilightAPI
To start, run it as a Spring Boot application, and point a browser at http://localhost:61455/ (you can change the port number in application.yaml)
Available URLs are:
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/off.html - turns all lights off
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/off/{group}.html - turns a single group of lights (1-4) off
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/on.html - turns all lights on
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/on/{group}.html - turns a single group of lights (1-4) on
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/white.html - changes the colour of all lights to white
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/white/{group}.html- changes the colour of a single group of lights (1-4) to white
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/discoMode/{group}.html - turns on/toggles between Disco Modes (flashing/fading colours) for a single group of lights (1-4)
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/discoModeFaster.html - speeds up the flash/fade rate for Disco Mode
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/discoModeSlower.html - slows down the flash/fade rate for Disco Mode
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/brightness/{group}/{value}.html - changes the brightness for a single group of lights (1-4) to value (0-59)
http://localhost:61455/easybulb/colour/{group}/{value}.html - changes the colour for a single group of lights (1-4) to value (0-255) from RGB colour wheel