
This script does automatic manipulation of successful batch load ROF files and sets up the local working directory for future updates.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Basic Information and Description

Run this script after performing a successful batch ingest. It will need two directory paths--one to the local working directory where original metadata-n.csv files are stored, etc., and one to the appropriate directory within /success/ on the batch ingester. It backs up original files and creates appropriate files for updating the objects in future through the batch ingester.

Problem Statement

When updating something in the batch ingester, one needs two things:

  1. A copy of the original submission CSV with the addition of the field "curate_id". (Also with any files removed, see Necessary follow-up steps)
  2. The metadata-n.rof file(s) and a JOB file which re-add the properties field including the thumbnails to the object.

One then submits the two as two separate ingests in order.

Script Process

The script does the following:

  1. Creates directory /originals in local working directory if doesn't already exist.
  2. Retrieves successful ROFs from remote directory into working directory and renames them with prefix original-.
  3. Copies original CSVs from the working directory into directory /originals, renames them with prefix original-. This means we'll always have a copy of the original even as we make updates.
  4. Walks through the ROF files and extracts all non-GenericFile PIDs as a CSV with the header curate_id in a file named pid-n.csv. n in pid-n refers to the original CSV/ROF ingest and all PIDs are in the same order as objects in the CSV and can simply be added to metadata-n.csv as a new column.
  5. Walks through the ROF files and creates ROFs without the prefix original- that have the necessary information to update thumbnails. Creates directory called /update-thumbnails if it doesn't exist, and moves these there.
  6. Moves the original-metadata-n.rof files to the /originals directory.

Necessary follow-up steps

  1. Open metadata-n.csv and pid-n.csv files.
  2. Remove files column from metadata-n.csv (this is one reason we kept a copy of the originals).
  3. Add column curate_id from pid-n.csv to metadata-n.csv and save. The ordering of the two is the same and thus no extra reconciliation is needed.


Runs on Python 2.7.11. Requires installation of Python jq library (possible via Homebrew) before it can be run.

Future Work

Add support for this being the second or third ingest, running only the process to copy the mid-process CSV files into a directory and keep the most recent copy of the CSV in the main file.

Add support for updating Generic Files. This would involve developing the appropriate JQ to get just the Generic Files and, importantly, obtaining the "content_file" field which has the actual file name in it. Updating Generic Files is still largely untested at this stage as it's more often the parent object metadata which gets augmented.