An Android client for The Movie DB
This project is an Android app which displays data from The Movie Database The Movie Database API.
;Android view
;Clean architecture
;Multi modularity
;Navigation component
;Jetpack pagination
;Live data
;Get movies list by category
;Get list upcoming movies
;Get list popular movies
;Get list top rated movies
;Get movie details
;Search movies
;Get list reviews by movie
;Watch video by movie
;Get a list of TV shows that air in the next 7 days
;Get a list of TV shows ordered by rating
;Get a list of TV shows ordered by popularity
;Search tv shows
;Get tv show details
;Watch video by tv show
;Get list reviews by tv show
;Get season details by tv show
;Viewing episodes by season of the TV show
;Get episode details
;Get information about creators
;Get profile data
Clone the repository using HTTP: git clone
;Open Android Studio/Visual Studio Code
;Click on 'Open the project folder
;Browse to the directory where you cloned the mobile-wallet repo and click OK
;Let Android Studio/Visual Studio Code import the project
;Build the application in your device by clicking run button