
🚀 Terraform

Getting started with setting up AWS resources with Terraform

To use terraform scripts, users could firstly initialise via aws configure:

  • Run terraform init this will download the aws plugin
  • Run sudo apt install awscli to install awscli
  • Run aws configure to configure with access keys, secret key: aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]: us-east-2
Default output format [None]:
  • Run terraform plan for dry-run of the script Advantages of this approach is it avoids exposing of any secret keys in the script This spots any errors before actually applying changes
  • Run terraform apply to actually apply these changes
  • Run terraform apply --target=<resource-name> to spin up a particular resource only
  • Run terraform destroy to release all the spinned up resources. Likewise use --target flag for destroying a particular resource

Following terraform script spins up:

  1. Configure the AWS Provider
  2. Creates VPC
  3. Creates a Gateway
  4. Creates Route table
  5. Associate subnet with Route table
  6. Create security group to allow all ports
  7. Create network interface with an IP from subnet
  8. Create elastic IP addres
  9. Create Ubunbut server and install apache

Run it

To run this, initialize with terraform init This will create the .terraform and you can run it now wih the command terraform apply. Also you can run terraform plan first to see what the changes will be as well as to update the state.

🚀 Hub api deployment

🚀 Lambda handlres

🚀 Stress test trigger

Generic AWS framework built on boto3 for Jina's usage. This can be reused for other tests/activities to be triggered on AWS


Creates Cloudformation stack on AWS (Following can be customized)

  • EC2 instance
  • Volume
  • Elastic IP

SSM Document

Creates SSM Document (Way to run long-running commands on ec2)

  • Mounts Volume on ec2
  • Compiles jina from pip or git (any remote branch)
  • Clones jina-ai/stress-test from any remote branch
  • Runs stress-test on ec2
  • Gets results pushed to public s3 bucket aws:s3:::stress-test-jina bucket