Docker Containers Intended for Use with the C++ 23 Masterclass


  • You need to have Docker installed on your machine to use these containers

Three containers are provided:

  • one using GCC 14.2
  • one using Clang 18
  • one combining the two compilers: GCC 14.2 and Clang 18

Other tools :

  • CMake 3.30
  • Ninja 1.12.1
  • Vcpkg
    • We set up the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to point to the root folder of vcpkg
  • Debuggers: GDB

Which container to use?

  • We recommend you use the one with both compilers, as it will allow you to switch between the two compilers easily.
  • The others are mainly for testing purposes (for us).

How to use:

  • The are two ways to use the containers:
    • Build the container using the Dockerfile provided
    • Pull the container from Docker Hub

Building the container:

  • Navigate to the folder containing the Dockerfile
  • Run the following command:
    • docker build -t gcc_clang_image .
  • Run the command to start the container, pointing the folder containing the code to the /workspace folder in the container:
    • docker run -it --name <container_name> -v <path_to_code>:/workspace <image_name>
    • eg: docker run -it --name gcc_clang -v D:\Sandbox\The-C-20-Masterclass-Source-Code:/workspace gcc_clang_image
    • in the example, gcc_clang_image is the name of the image created locally.
    • You will need to adjust the path if you are on a Linux or Mac machine. Something like /home/user/Sandbox/The-C-20-Masterclass-Source-Code
  • By this point, you should be in the container and ready to compile your code.

Pulling the container from Docker Hub:

  • Run the following command:
    • docker pull dgakwaya/gcc-clang:latest
  • Run the command to start the container, pointing the folder containing the code to the /workspace folder in the container:
  • docker run -it --name <container_name> -v <path_to_code>:/workspace dgakwaya/gcc-clang:latest
    • eg: docker run -it --name gcc_clang -v D:\Sandbox\The-C-20-Masterclass-Source-Code:/workspace dgakwaya/gcc-clang:latest
  • By this point, you should be in the container and ready to compile your code.

Connect VS Code to the container:

  • You can connect VS Code to the container by following these steps:
    • Install the Remote - Containers extension in VS Code
    • Open the folder containing the code in VS Code
    • Click on the green icon at the bottom left corner of the window
    • Select "Attach to Running Container"
    • Select the container you want to connect to
    • Open a folder in the container
    • Install the needed extensions in the container
      • C/C++
      • CMake
      • CMake Tools
    • By this point, you should be connected to the container and ready to compile your code.
    • Things you can do:
      • Select a configure preset
        • Windows-cl
        • Linux-gcc
        • Linux-clang
    • Build:
      • Hit the build button in the bottom left corner of the window
    • Debug:
      • Set up a break point
      • Hit the debug button on the bottom bar

Known Issues:

  • The gcc compiler (GCC 14.2) is not compiling module code that uses the fmt library
  • You can get around that by just falling back to iostream, or using the clang compiler
  • We'll update the container as soon as we find a solution