Web URL : https://www.saucedemo.com/
Date of Submission : 31rst March 2022
Tools ⚒️
- Java (JDK 8+)
- IDE (Eclipse or IntellijI)
- Selenium
- Git
- Maven
Technologies ⚔️
- Java (Scripting Language)
- Selenium (Automation Library)
- TestNG (Test Framework)
- Maven (Build Management Tool)
- GitHub (Repository management)
Clone this project to your local environment
git clone https://github.com/rutushah/Final_Exam_Rutu.git
Open the cloned project in installed IDE.
Wait for maven to load all the dependencies. (It may take 2-3 minutes depending on your connection)
If you see any error or dependencies not downloaded, run below command on project root directory via Command Prompt or Terminal.
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
- The following are the directories are defined in the framework.
Directory | Description |
testng.xml | In this file I have added the code to execute the tests. You can run this file for the test execution. |
src | This is the source directory where all the test sources and classes are defined, src has a certain folder hierarchy for the test framework. |
src/test/java/com/finalExam | This directory is test project directory where all the test cases and it's configurations are defined.In this directory CartPage class and Login class are defined which extends BrowserConfiguration class. |
src/test/java/com/finalExam/BrowserConfigurations | This class contains all the reusable common methods for the web automation, it contains common methods like pause(which is Thread.sleep(1000)), @BeforeMethod annotation to launch browser and @AfterMethod annotation to quit browser in automation |
src/test/java/com/framework/Login | This class contains the test case scripts for verifying PageTitle, invalidLogin and ValidLoginLogout. |
src/test/java/com/framework/CartPage | This class contains the test case scripts for addProductoCarts, RemoveProductFromCart, Checkout and Continue Shopping |