
The source for my bachelor’s thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

The Hopf Map in Magnetohydrodynamics

Fibres of the Hopf map visualised through stereographic projection

This repository contains the source of my bachelor’s thesis. I have made the source available here in the hope that it will be useful to somebody. The output pdf is freely accessible at the university website anyway. For convenience the pdf is also included in this repository.


You will need the following prerequisites:

  • A recent TeX Live distribution (I tested 2014 and 2015)
  • The Minion Pro font
  • The FontPro package for Minion
  • Python 3 in your path as python
  • The sympy and numpy Python libraries

To compile, run

$ latexmk --xelatex --enable-write18

This has been verified to work under Windows as well as Arch Linux.


The content of the thesis is copyrighted; I am merely making available the source files for inspection. Feel free to use some of the LaTeX macros in your own documents.

The Python code used to generate the graphics in this thesis is released under version 3 of the GNU Public Licence.

The seal of Leiden University is included in this repository as ulzegel.eps.