An API for lighting up my Christmas tree.
I am using the components of the Adalight: a 25 pixel RGB LED
strand driven by an Arduino Uno. The standard Adalight driver program runs on
the Arduino and accepts color data over USB. The Arduino presents itself as a
serial device to the computer, and the christmas-tree
program writes color
data to the serial port.
There are two programs:
, the API server that runs on a publicly accessible server. It exposes a simple API over https on one port (protected by basic auth). On a different port it listens for connecting clients. When a client connects, it the server sends it mode changes via the socket. -
, the program that runs in a local network and writes color data to the serial port. Colors are determined by the current mode, and the current mode is retrieved by connecting to the server and listening for mode changes.
To run the client on Ubuntu 16.04:
# Build the client program.
stack setup
stack build
# Give yourself permission to access /dev/ttyACM0
sudo usermod --append --groups dialout $USER
# Run the client, assuming the Arduino is at /dev/ttyACM0.
# Replace with your server domain and socket port.
stack exec christmas-tree /dev/ttyACM0
A mode is a function Float -> Integer -> Color
, that takes the current time
(the amount of seconds since midnight) and the LED index, and produces a color
for the LED.
Christmas Tree is free software. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.