StartExeWithOutput Powershell Module

Project:        Ruusty Powershell Tools
Product:        StartExeWithOutput Powershell Module
Date:           2018-10-07
Description:    StartExeWithOutput Powershell Module with binary cmdlet to run an executable.


A Powershell binary cmdlet that

  • Returns the exit code.
  • Can optionally log Stdout to a file.
  • Can optionally log Stderr to a file.
  • Display the executables Stdout and Stderr to the console.
  • When -Verbose display Stdout and Stderr (start-transcript will now log it.)
  • Throw on invalid exit code
ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Binary     1.0.....   startexewithoutput                  Start-ExeWithOutput


import-module  -name ".\PSStartExeWithOutput\StartExeWithOutput\bin\Release\StartExeWithOutput.dll
  • Get help on cmdlets
get-module StartExeWithOutput | select -expand ExportedCommands
$(get-module StartExeWithOutput).ExportedCommands.Keys
$(get-module StartExeWithOutput).ExportedCommands.Keys |% {get-help $_}
  • Run build.bat
$splat =@{
FilePath= 'cmd.exe';
ArgumentList= @('/c', "build.bat", $imageName);
WorkingDirectory = ".";
WhatIf = $WhatIfPreference
Verbose = $($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')
$("{0} {1} in {2}" -f $p.FilePath, $($p.ArgumentList -join " "), $p.WorkingDirectory) | write-verbose
$rc = StartExeWithOutput\Start-ExeWithOutput @splat -ExitCodeList @(0,1)