
A Django application to make it to publish updates for your mac applications using Sparkle.

Primary LanguagePython


Django-sparkle-project is a fork from Django-sparkle - a Django application to make it easy to publish updates for your mac application using sparkle.

In addition to publishing updates via the appcast feed, Django-sparkle-project can also collect system profile information if sparkle is configured to report it.


  • OpenSSL


  1. pip install https://github.com/ruuti/django-sparkle-project/archive/master.zip
  2. Add sparkle to your installed apps
  3. In settings.py add SPARKLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH which is the path to your private DSA key for signing your releases.
  4. In urls.py include the sparkle URLs by adding something like (r'^sparkle/', include('sparkle.urls')).
  5. Ensure your domain name is properly configured in the sites framework.
  6. python manage.py syncdb to create the tables needed for sparkle.


Create an application and optionally add some versions.

The application's appcast feed will be available at /whatever_you/configured_in/your_urls_py/(?P<application_id>\d+)/appcast.xml.

Set the SUFeedURL key in your Info.plist to point to the sparkle application's appcast URL. http://example.com/sparkle/1/appcast.xml for example.

If you want to enable system profiling, be sure to set the SUEnableSystemProfiling key in your Info.plist to YES.



The path to your DSA private key for signing releases. Defaults to None. If not provided, releases will not be automatically signed when uploaded.