
renderedCallback() vs connectedCallback()

  • connectedCallback()

    • can fire more than once
    • The connected callback is executed when the component is inserted into DOM. Connected callback runs once when the component is inserted.
    • Executes when component is loaded
    • Execution flow = parent > child. Cannot access child elements because they have not rendered yet
  • renderedCallback()

    • use when there is logic that needs to be performed after a component is done rendering
    • This gets called when the component is rendered. Basically when all the elements on the component are inserted.
    • Re-renders when any property/data being passed in is changed.
    • Execution flow = child > parent. renderedcallbacks of all children are executed before parent

LWC vs Aura

  • LWC === Aura:
  • LWC can be nested inside aura, but aura cannot be nested inside an LWC
  • LWC is better because its built on top of web features and has better performance

Importing a 3rd party library

  1. add the lib to a static resource
  2. add sattic resource to component

share JS code between LWC + Aura

  • create ES6 module with code
  • then import and reference in the components JS file