
Primary LanguageTypeScript


An app that helps 🌈 Six Siege players find other 🌈 Six Siege players who are also looking for 🌈 Six Siege players...to play 🌈 Six Siege. And make friends.

How it works:


  • React
  • ⭐Express
  • ⭐TypeORM
  • ⭐Typescript
  • ⭐Postgres
  • ⭐Node


  • 🎮 Discord OAuth
  • ☁️ Cloudinary



TypeORM is an easy-to-use ORM that makes setting up, syncing, querying, and updating data feel easy.

// An example entity that maps to the Swipe table in postgres
// We define the relationship and the native types
// And can further set restrictions inside each column
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { User } from './User';

export class Swipe {
  id: number;

  @ManyToOne(() => User, {eager:true})
  liker: User;

  @ManyToOne(() => User, {eager:true})
  likee: User;

  time: Date;

// ...
// creating the connection to the database
createConnection(connectionOptions as ConnectionOptions)
  .then(() => { //...

// ...
// create a new user
const userRepo = getRepository(User);
const findUser = await userRepo.findOne({
where: { discordId: userInfo.id },

const newUser = new User();
newUser.discordId = userInfo.id;
newUser.discordUsername = userInfo.username;
newUser.discordAvatar = userInfo.avatar || '';
newUser.accessToken = userAuth.access_token;
newUser.refreshToken = userAuth.refresh_token;
newUser.expiry = expiryDate;
newUser.lastActive = lastActive;
await userRepo.save(newUser);

// ...
// queries
  const findUser = await userRepo.findOne({
    where: { discordId: userInfo.id },

TypeORM complex queries

Getting unique chats

This query needed to find all the users who chatted with another user, taking into consideration situations where one user sends a message but there are no replies...etc.

const convos = await chatRepo
    .createQueryBuilder('chat') // create a query with the chat table
    .leftJoin('chat.receiver', 'receiver') // left join on chat.receiver as receiver
    .leftJoin('chat.sender', 'sender') // left join on chat.sender as sender
      'sender.discordAvatar', // select these things
    .where('chat.receiver = :id', { id: req.userId }) // only select when reciver/sender is the Id
    .orWhere('chat.senderId = :id', { id: req.userId }) // only return fields where the sender is the ID sent
Getting matches

Finding matches means finding if one person swiped right on someone, and then finding if a mirrored entry exists in the table.

  const swipeRepo = getRepository(Swipe);
  const matches = await swipeRepo
    .createQueryBuilder('swipe') // create query with swipe table
    .where('swipe.likee = :user', { user: req.userId }) // find entries where the userId matches
    .andWhere((qb) => { // create a subquery
      const subQuery = qb
        .from(Swipe, 'swipeInner') // select all other swipes where
        .where('swipeInner.likee = swipe.liker') // they mirror each other
        .andWhere('swipeInner.liker = swipe.likee')
      return `EXISTS ${subQuery}`;
    .leftJoinAndSelect('swipe.liker', 'liker')