Express calculator and SQLZoo2

Part 1: SQLZoo

Complete units 6, 7, 8, and 8+ at In sqlzoo_answers.sql, paste in the correct queries. If you already did these over the weekend, you don't have to do it over!

Part 2: Express Calculator

You will build an express app that performs some simple math and string calculations, based on the data the user inputs through the route parameters.

Required behaviors:

  1. When I visit the root of the app, I see a page like this: Root image
  2. When I visit /math/double/<any-number>, I see a page like this: Root image
  3. When I visit /math/square/<any-number>, I see a page like this: Root image
  4. When I visit /string/reverse/<any-string>, I see a page like this: Root image
  5. When I visit /string/upcase/<any-string>, I see a page like this: Root image

Your finished project should contain...

  1. An express app that exhibits all the required behaviors. Your app should use the express, ejs, and express-ejs-layouts packages.
  2. A mathController and a stringController, defined in their own files, and referenced in index.js
  3. A views directory that contains a math and a strings directory, which each contain the appropriate ejs files
  4. A layout that your views are rendered within. The layout should contain the header and the "Instructions" link, which should point to your root route.
  5. Remember to NOT commit your node_modules directory!