React Typescript App

Fetches a json payload of a subreddit's posts and systematically renders each post's image + title. Posts can be selected and displayed/hidden in a side panel.

⚙ Tech

- React App
- Typescript
- Chakra UI
- Reddit API

🚀 Launch Instructions

# Clone repo twin
$ git clone

# Open project
$ cd typescript_iqtest_repo

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run 🏃‍♂️
$ npm start



Features/User Stories

  • Users can see a gridded list of post images + titles for a subreddit
  • Users can navigate to a different subreddit to view posts via routing
  • Users can select images and track selected images
  • Users can navigate back + forth through multiple pages of posts


Reducing the Reddit Data + Trimming the Fat 🔪

// Main.tsx
// clean data w/ a reduce to iterate through the array of posts and return only what is needed
const posts = response.children.reduce(
    (result: TrimPostType[], c: PostType) => {
    const postObj: { [key: string]: string } = {};
    // remove any nsfw content
    if ( !== 'image') {
    // parse out unused data by singling out only key-value pairs that match the postKeys array
        for (const key of postKeys) {
        postObj[key] =[key];
    return result;

Selection Logic ✔

// Main.tsx
// The selected object is a hashmap of all selected posts
// each selected post is identified by their post-id as the key
// the handleSelect function takes the post-id of the selected post
// and checks to see if its in the object
// if no, add it to the selected obj => "selecting"
// if yes, remove it => "unselecting"
const handleSelect = (post: TrimPostType) => {

// Post.tsx
// Selected post visual cues are set with a style option on the post
//style={{ border: `${selected[] ? '5px solid white' : '5px solid black'}`}}

Reusable Post Component To Render the List/Grid of Posts 🌎

// Main.tsx
// The Post component has multiple parameters + defaults set so that it is reusable, recyclable, and clean
// renders the main grid of posts
  const renderThis = () => {
        <Post handleSelect={handleSelect} post={p} selected={selected} />

 // renders the list of selected posts
  const renderThat = () => {

Routing/Search 🔎

// entering a subreddit name into the url params or typing it into the input search bar
// will fetch new data from the subreddit entered in the params
// and trigger a re-render with the new data
// default is set to 'r/pics'

// App.tsx
   <Route path="/:subreddit">

// Main.tsx
  const handleSearch = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

Pagination 📄

// Main.tsx
// The next page is set using data passed back from the json data
// (the id of the last element in the current results is passed into the api and it fetches the next 25)
// The current id is saved as the current "page"
// handleNext pushes the current page value to an array
// handlePrev goes the the last element of the array, (the previous page)
// of the one before it if for some reason its already in the array (like going back/forth)

const handleNext = () => {
setPrev([...prev, page]);

const handlePrev = () => {
if (prev.includes(page)) {
    setPage(prev[prev.indexOf(page) - 1]);
} else {
    setPage(prev[prev.length - 1]);

Future Improvements

  • Implement further logic to get high quality images instead of just the thumbnail
  • Better UI design...
  • Design for mobile-first
  • Design for accessibility
  • Unit Testing