
This documentation provides details on the POS (Point of Sale) system, which is designed for managing customers, items, and orders. The backend is built using Java Servlets and MySQL, offering a RESTful API for seamless operations.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


POS System Backend

Java JavaEE MySQL Postman Apache Tomcat


  • Technologies:

    • Java EE (Servlets)
    • MySQL
    • Jakarta JSON-B
    • Logback (Logging)
    • Apache Tomcat
  • Project Purpose: The POS system allows small to medium-sized businesses to manage their sales operations effectively, including customer management, inventory control, and order processing.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • JDK 11 or higher
  • Apache Tomcat 9.x or higher
  • MySQL Server
  • Git (for cloning the repository)

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Project Repository:

    git clone(https://github.com/ruwibdilshani/Pos-System-Backend.git)
  2. Set Up MySQL Database:

    • Create a new database in MySQL:
      CREATE DATABASE simple_pos;
    • Import the database schema:
      mysql -u [username] -p pos_system < db_schema.sql
  3. Deploy the Application:

    • Package the project into a WAR file.
    • Deploy the WAR file to the Tomcat server.

API Reference

The system provides RESTful APIs for managing customers, items, and orders. Below is an overview of the available endpoints:

Customer Management

  • Add Customer (POST /customer):

    • Request:
        "id": "C001",
        "name": "Ruwi",
        "address": "Galle",
        "salary": 5000
    • Response: 201 Created
  • Retrieve Customers (GET /customer):

    • Parameters:
      • type=one&id=C001: Fetch a single customer by ID.
      • type=all: Fetch all customers.
    • Response: 200 OK
  • Update Customer (PUT /customer?id={customerId}):

    • Request:
        "name": "Ruwi",
        "address": "Galle",
        "salary": 6000
    • Response: 200 OK
  • Delete Customer (DELETE /customer?id={customerId}):

    • Response: 204 No Content

Item Management

  • Add Item (POST /item):

    • Request:
        "code": "I001",
        "itemName": "Rice",
        "qty": 10,
        "unitPrice": 1500
    • Response: 201 Created
  • Retrieve Items (GET /item):

    • Parameters:
      • type=one&itemCode=I001: Fetch a single item by code.
      • type=all: Fetch all items.
    • Response: 200 OK
  • Update Item (PUT /item?itemCode={itemCode}):

    • Request:
        "itemName": "Rice",
        "qty": 5,
        "unitPrice": 2000
    • Response: 200 OK
  • Delete Item (DELETE /item?itemCode={itemCode}):

    • Response: 204 No Content

Order Processing

  • Place Order (POST /placeorder):

    • Request:
        "orderId": "ORD001",
        "date": "2024-08-09",
        "customerId": "C001"
    • Response: 201 Created
  • Save Order Details (POST /orderdetail):

    • Request:
          "itemCode": "I001",
          "qty": 2,
          "unitPrice": 1500
    • Response: 201 Created

Additional Information

Logging and Monitoring

The application uses Logback for logging. Logs are generated in both the console and log files, providing detailed information about API requests, errors, and other significant events.

Error Handling

The API includes robust error handling mechanisms to return meaningful HTTP status codes and messages, ensuring clients can easily identify and resolve issues.

-# Features

Add Customer: Easily add and manage customer information.

Add Items: Add menu items with images to create a visually appealing menu.

Place Orders: Simplify the ordering process with a user-friendly order placement system.

Modern UI: Enjoy a sleek and responsive design that works well on various devices

API EndPoint Documentation

© 2024 All Right Reserved, Designed By [Ruwi B Dilshani](https://github.com/ruwibdilshani