
F# Common functions

Primary LanguageF#

RZ F# Extension

Provide utility functions, especially common functions for Option and Result types.


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.Prelude
Function Signature Description
sideEffect (a → unit) → a → a Execute a side effect on a value.
flip (a → b) → (b → a) Flip the arguments of a function.
constant a → (_ → a) Return a constant function.
createComparer<T> (T → T → bool) → (T -> int) -> IEqualityComparer<T> Create a comparer
Async.return' a -> Async<a> Return an async constant value.

Types Aliases

Alias Underlying Type
OptionAsync<T> Async<T option>
ResultAsync<T,E> Async<Result<T,E>>


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.KeyValuePair
Function Signature Description
key KeyValuePair<a, b> → a Get the key of a KeyValuePair.
value KeyValuePair<a, b> → b Get the value of a KeyValuePair.
ofTuple a * b → KeyValuePair<a, b> Create a KeyValuePair from a tuple.
toTuple KeyValuePair<a, b> → a * b Create a tuple from a KeyValuePair.


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.Seq
Function Signature Description
fromIterator IEnumerator<a> → a seq Create a Seq from an iterator.
single a seq → a option Create a single.
tryFold (a → a → a) → a seq → a option Try to fold a sequence itself.
tryMin a seq → a option Try to find the minimum value.
tryMn a seq → a option Try to find the maximum value.
Iterator.fold (a → b → a) → a → IEnumerator<a> → a Fold an iterator.


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.Map
Function Signature Description
values Map<a, b> → b seq Get the values of a Map.
byKey (a → k) → a seq → Map<k,a> Get the values of a Map by key.


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.Option
Function Signature Description
ap a option → (a → b) option → b option Apply an option value to a function.
call(2-6) a → (a → b) option → b option Call a function option with a parameter.
getOrFail (unit → string) → a option → a Get an option value or fail with a message.
getOrRaise (unit → exn) → a option → a Get an option value or raise an exception.
safeCall(2-6) (a → b) → a → b option Call a function and trap exceptions as None.
then' (a → b) → (unit → b) → a option → b Perform action for all possible branches.

Simple option workflow


let myDiv x y = if y == 0 then None else Some (x / y)
let getInput() = Some 5
let input = getInput()
let result = input |> Option.bind (myDiv 100) |> Option.map ((+) 1) // (100 / 5) + 1
printfn $"%d{result}"

When it is written in option workflow:

let result = option {
    let! input = getInput()
    let! div = myDiv 100 input
    return (div + 1)
printfn $"%d{result}"

Lifting to Async

Lifting to Task


open RZ.FSharp.Extensions.Result

Lifting to Async

Lifting to Task