
Rust's native timer

Primary LanguageRust

Native Timer for Rust

Provide a timer functionality which uses OS capabilities. Currently supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Currently, only both Windows and Linux platforms are supported.


  • tracker (default) - Enable static callback tracker. It should minimize the native callback into an invalid timer context, that has been recently destroyed.


To fire an one-shot task:

# use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}};
# use std::thread;
# use std::time::Duration;
use native_timer::fire_oneshot;

let flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let shared_flag = flag.clone();
fire_oneshot(Duration::from_millis(100), None, move || {
    let _ = &shared_flag.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);

For more usages, see /src/examples/simple.rs.


Linux and MacOS implementations are recovered from Autd3 open source library on tag v1.10.0, which is before being removed by commits afterwards.