



现在已拿到的OA:Voleon Group, Rakuten, LinkedIn, Twillio, Akuna Capital

Why this company

Working at such a fast growth young company brings me more passion and I can actively see how my contributions make the company better and stronger. I also have much experience working at start-up environment, where I can bring my ideas openly and make our company more creative. At last, I think I have a good match on the company technology stack: I have rich experience with JavaScript and python.


xxx 您好

我叫wzx,现在是 UCLA 的 Graduate 在读,将于2019年12月毕业。在一亩三分地论坛的内推版看到您发布的内推信息,前一段时间一直在刷题和找小公司练手,现在感觉已经有了一定的准备。虽然不知道还能不能推,但是抱着交朋友和试试看的心理,犹豫再三还是写了这封信。

本科我在UCSB读的CS,研究生也是主修的CS。主要对软件开发感兴趣,我比较擅长web端的Node.js,知道怎么写api,也熟悉MySQL, HTML, 最近的research项目在用ElasticSearch和MongoDB处理数据,最近在学react。另外熟悉手机端特别是iOS的开发。iOS开发我实习过两次,写了不少Swift和Objective-C。我想申请的职位是https。。。十分感谢。我的微信是Eric950702,如果能有机会与您成为朋友实为我的幸运。


Zixia Weng is a talented student majored in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles. While his interest is machine learning, he is now focusing on software development. With good understanding on backend development and frontend design, he is now a research assistant at UCLA Scalable Analytics Institute for building and maintaining a resource discovery index based on Node.JS. He also accumulated rich experience in mobile Development including iOS and Android with various internships and personal projects. Familiar with Python, C++, Java and more objected oriented languages, Zixia definitely has the ability to be a great team member and contribute efficient code.


诚挚 Zixia Weng

Profile 相关


  1. 保证在一页以内
  2. 包含和申请职位最相关的内容
  3. 以最相关的顺序排列内容
  4. 使用 action verbs 和 highlight achievements
  5. 避免使用机构,职位的缩写
  6. 包含校园地址和永久地址
  7. 包含你的 email 地址


  1. 简约,留白
  2. 浅色纸,标准 8 1/2" x 11"
  3. 如果有多页,单页打印
  4. 用可读性强的10-14号字体
  5. 可以利用不同的格式来凸现差异,一个短语不要用两种格式(例如粗体斜体)


Identifying Information 名字,现在地址和永久地址,电话号码,电子邮件,个人网站(可选),也可以在这个部分标明是否是美国公民

Education 学校名称和绩点(如果绩点在3.0以上),也包括学位名称等信息

Projects 课程项目可以列在这里,高亮相关技术以及团队合作技能,用短语描述项目,每一行用一个 action verb 开头。在项目中的角色,项目的目的以及如何解决难题

Skills 职业相关技能

Experience 在相关工作中的经验

Honors 获奖情况,奖学金等

Achievements 表演,展出,论文发表


  1. 用 sans serif 字体(Arial, Helvetica)
  2. 电话号码另起一行
  3. 注意用名词动词来描述技能、经验以及学历。
  4. 使用常见的标题,例如:Objective, Education, Experience, Employment, Positions Held, Accomplishments, Skills, Summary of Qualifications, Strengths, Affiliations, Publications, Papers, Licenses, Certifications, Examinations, Honors, and References.
  5. 用本行业的专业术语
  6. 避免粗体斜体下划线,如果字母没有挤到一起,也可以用大写字母
  7. 表格中一栏不要另起一行,可能会看不到

Cover Letter



第一段 - 介绍 (2-4 句话)


  • 提及你的推荐人(如果有的话)
  • 说明为何要写这封信,具体点出工作职位与类型
  • 告知从哪里听说这个消息和为什么感兴趣
  • 简要介绍学历,专业,学校以及毕业时间

第二/三段 - 主体 (1-2 段,取决于背景)


  • 标明自己可以如何帮助公司,多写你能做什么而不是你多想要这个职务
  • 高亮与工作相关的成就,技能和经验
  • 亮兵器,证明你应该被邀请来参加面试
  • 不要只是简单重复简历中的内容而是点出重要的经验和关键技能,展示简历中展现不出来的内容,比如说个人品质等等

第四段 - 结束 (至多 4 句话)


  • 倡议下一步的计划,是约面试还是要求其他更多的信息
  • 告知对方你的 availability
  • 提及简历或相关工作
  • 重述联系方式
  • 感谢面试官

Action Verbs Table

下面是用于不同场合的 action verbs 列表,请对照简历中不同部分的描述来进行修正,力求简明扼要且突出中心**。

Management/Leadership Skills

  • administrator, analyze, apply, approve, assign, attain
  • chair, conduct, consolidate, contract, coordinate
  • delegate, determine, develop, direct
  • enlist, evaluate, execute, formalize, form, found
  • hire, implement, improve, increase, initiate, inspire
  • led, manage, operate, organize, oversee
  • pioneer, plan, prioritize, produce, promote
  • recommend, recruit, represent, review
  • schedule, select,solve, spearhead, sponsor, start
  • strengthen, supervise, train, utilize

Communication Skills

  • address, arbitrate, arrange, author, brief
  • collaborate, consult, contact, convince, correspond
  • demonstrate, develop, direct, dissuade, draft
  • edit, enlist, explain, familiarize, formulate
  • influence, inform, interpret, listen
  • market, mediate, moderate, motivate, negotiate
  • persuade, present, promote, publish, publicize
  • reconcile, recruit, report, respond
  • secure, sell, solicit, speak, summarize, translate, write

Research/Technical Skills

  • analyze, assemble, assess, build, calculate
  • clarify, collect, compile, compute, construct, critique
  • design, devise, diagnose, disassemble, discover, document
  • engineer, evaluate, examine, extract, fabricate, gather
  • identify, inspect, install, interpret, interview, investigate
  • maintain, model, operate, organize, overhaul, program, remodel
  • repair, research, review, salvage, search, solve, summarize
  • survey, systematize, test, troubleshoot, uncover, upgrade

Teaching Skills

  • adapt, advise, clarify, coach, communicate, coordinate
  • deliver, demystify, develop, educate, enable, encourage
  • evaluate, explain, facilitate, guide, inform, instruct, introduce
  • lecture, persuade, set, goals, stimulate, teach, train, tutor

Financial Skills

  • administer, allocate, analyze, appraise, audit
  • balance, budget, calculate, compute, decrease, develop
  • finance, forecast, manage, market, plan, project
  • reconcile, reduce, research

Creative Skills

  • act, author, compose, conceptualize, concern, create, customize
  • design, develop, devise, direct, establish, fashion, find
  • illustrate, initiate, institute, integrate, introduce, invent
  • originate, perform, plan, revamp, revitalize, revolutionize, shape

Customer Service / Teamwork Skills

  • aid, assess, assist, attend, clarify, coach, collaborate
  • compromise, confront, contribute, cooperate, counsel
  • demonstrate, diagnose, elaborate, empathize, encourage, expedite
  • facilitate, familiarize, guide, help, instill, mentor, motivate
  • provide, reflect, refer, represent, resolve
  • serve, settle, support, treat

Administrative / Organizational / Clerical Skills

  • approve, arrange, assemble, catalogue, centralize, classify
  • collect, compile, coordinate, dispatch, distribute
  • enforce, execute, handle, implement, inspect, maintain, monitor
  • operate, organize, plan, prepare, process, purchase
  • record, reorganize, retrieve, schedule, screen, specify
  • systematize, tabulate, update, validate

More Verbs For Accomplishments

  • achieved, boosted, broadened, completed, eliminated, ensured
  • exceeded, excelled, expanded, expedited, gained, generated
  • improved, launched, mastered, modernized, pioneered
  • reduced(losses), resolved(problems), restored
  • saved, supplemented, transformed


关键词: Zixia Weng, Graduate Student, Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Santa Barbara, Master, major, Software Engineering, Backend, machine learning and game development, position, resume

Hi, my name is Zixia Weng. I'm a gradutate student majored in Computer Science. Finishing my undergraduate in Computer Science in University of California, Santa Barbara, I have a deep understanding about programming and team collaboration. I have rich experience on web development and mobile development. Also I have done several projects involving machine learning. Here is my resume and I'd like to know more about [company name] and chances for working in [company name].


  • Situation(why you do this project)
  • Action(language, technique, your role)
  • Output(what you get)

Biomedical Software Index Aztec

  • Basically a biomedical resource discovery index that allows users to simultaneously search a diverse array of tools. The resources indexed include web services, standalone software, publications, and large libraries composed of many interrelated functions
  • Google Analytics indicates more than *** users per months
  • Over 10,000 resources, have to take them remain findable all the time
  • Automated deployments of full application stack (Node, MongoDB, Solr, Grobid) using Docker
  • Created Index for medical data in ElasticSearch for fast searching retrieval
  • Node.JS for Rest APIs

Darwin Podcasts Intern

  • Worked full-stack across Podcasts Recommending System,
  • from iOS app in Swift 4.1 and CocoaPods for user to conduct effective podcast searching and playing,
  • to backend systems in Node.js/MySQL on AWS EC2&RDS for providing REST APIs
  • Realized dynamic pagination by fetching data with last item id from MySQL database
  • Built the podcasts recommender for users using Graph Theory in JavaScript

Microsoft Capstone Project

  • Inspired by Google Doc; Will be a good tool for pair programming & Interview & Course teaching
  • Combined Monaco Editor API with Socket.IO to share real time editing of contents between users and allow up to 50 users interact in one channel. Project available at https://sophons.herokuapp.com
  • Used Node.js to manage and test the interchange of data between the Azure database and online users
  • Implemented functionalities such as instant preview for web code, import/export from/to Google Drive
  • Assisted in the design and functionalities using JavaScript/HTML/MySQL/Ajax
  • Available on https://sophons.herokuapp.com

KissLock IoT Application (http://www.kisslock.com.cn) Intern in China, Wuhan

  • Implemented an early solution functioned as wireless keys to unlock hardware lock with TCP/IP on Android Studio
  • Read users’ keys by extracting from QR code and storing virtual keys with serialization in Java
  • UI in XML with Android Studio