
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

UBIQUITOUS. Real-Time State & Notification Platform.

.NET Core with Angular on microservices.
Subscribe for the newest state of products you follow.

Repository Master Develop
Ubiquitous pipeline status coverage report pipeline status coverage report
Ubiquitous.Web pipeline status coverage report coverage report coverage report


1. Introduction

1.1. Functionalities

  • Notifications
    • Channels
      • SignalR (WebSocket)
      • Push notification (Toastr)
      • E-mail
    • Types
      • Product published, added, changed
      • User connected, disconnected
    • States
      • Trivial, normal, important
    • Persistency
      • PostgreSQL
    • Operations
      • Confirmation, hide, remove
      • Welcome notifications specified timespan by user preferences
  • Processing & Capabilities
    • Distributed processing number of products paralelly among different adapters
  • Identity & Authorization
    • Ability to signup, log in, log out, change password
    • Identification & auth thanks to jwt token across entire system
  • Admin Management (next versions)
    • manage products, users, subscriptions

1.2 Purpose

  • primarily, self-education has been my motivation, as well as giving my best around topics like
    • .NET Core
    • DDD
    • Microservices
    • Docker
    • Angular
    • and so much more
  • Secondly, I wanted to create something solid, from the beginning to the end and that follows newest patterns and good case practices. On the GitHub most of repositories I have ever seen were
    • Relatively small, no possibility to run into performance, integration, authorization issues et cetera
    • Easy concerns or unfinished

1.3 Installation On-Premises

1.3.0. Prerequisites

- Docker
- Docker composer

1.3.1. Run


1.3.2. Enter localhost:5450 (PGAdmin) and run

CREATE DATABASE "product-service";
CREATE DATABASE "smartstore-adapter";
CREATE DATABASE "notification-service";
CREATE DATABASE "subscription-service";
CREATE DATABASE "identity-service";

1.3.3 Install services 1.3.3a External run e.g. portainer stack - Replace environment 'ABSOLUTE_PATH' in '.env' file and indicate folder containing configuration - Run > > build-services.external.bat 1.3.3b Local run - Run > build-services.local.bat 1.3.4. Run

docker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml up

1.3.5. You can manage all containers from portainer dashboard or through Docker CLI.

Portainer dashboard

1.4 API Usage

To be determined

2. Server Side

Whole solution is broken down to

  • Frontend developed with Angular 7
  • Backend developed with .NET Core 3.1.
    • Services Functionality-oriented e.g.: products, notifications
    • Adapters Encapsulates shops, wholesales logic and enables communication
    • Infrastructure, external libraries listed in []
  • Solution Files, there can be found anything like GitLab CI manifesto, Docker Compose yml, starting batch files and other solution configurations.

Down below, a services dependency diagram. See to #3.1 for listed used technologies, tools and their use.

Containers diagram v0.4

2.1 Technologies

What you might see in the scope of my project. Things mentioned below are implemented or used from legal external sources, feel free to use and to contribute.

Release V0.1

2.2 Services


  • Product Service Handles products and its business logic
    • Background Service Sends periodically queued commands as batch to improve performance
  • Notification Service Handles notifications and channels
    • Notification Periodic Sender Sends periodically notifications, to improve performance
  • Identity Service Handles identity of user and managed Jwt tokens
  • Subscription Service Handles subscriptions of users & preferences, bounces integration events
Product Service Identity Service
Notification Service Subscription Service

2.3 Jobs

  • Generator Service Sources SmartStoreAdapter with fake products
  • Fetch Service Sources subscribed ProductService with products related events via RabbitMQ

2.4 Adapters

  • SmartStore Adapter Mock Adapter, source of products

2.5 Cross-Cutting Concerns

Building Blocks

  • Available on Myget version :develop, version :latest

  • U.IntegartionEventLog

    • targets .NET Core 3.1
    • Module with connectivity to database, storing event for any integration event dispatched
  • U.EventBus

    • Abstraction of events
  • U.EventBus.RabbitMQ

    • Implementation of EventBus with RabbitMQ
  • Common

    • targets NETSTANDARD 2.0
    • includes pagination, models shared across projects
  • Common NetCore

2.6 Server-Side Service Discovery

Each service is self registering to the Consul registry, containing every active service. This registry as well checks healthness of service with optional keep-alive with specified per-service interval.

Consul Service Discovery

3. Client Side

Login Page Dashboard
Subscription Products

3.1 Technologies and tools

4 Communication

Ubiquitous communicates in two ways, synchronous (HTTP) and asynchronous (WebSocket). These two protocols are used for communication between frontend and backend. Check out the table below explaining differences between them.

Protocol Communication Architecture Server Side Transit Traffic Difficulty
WebSocket asynchronous Push indirect, through EventBus Low High
HTTP synchronous Pull direct High Low

4.1 HTTP Protocol

UI Dashboard statistics are pull-based calls. Each call returns definite data, sourcing charts, either dashboard cards.

Dashboard composition of synchronous calls

4.2 WebSocket (SignalR)

On the right, notification bar is websocket-based. Each notification that falls in the bar, is being managed by signalR. You can operate on notifications. Hide, delete or prioritze.

Every command is pushed to the server via web-socket. Any signalr connectivity failure or 401 http call results with loggout and SignalR connection abort.

Dashboard composition of synchronous calls

4.3 RabbitMQ

To be described

5.1 Release V.0.2

Release V0.2 brings

  • Heavily extended readme with graphics
  • Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
  • AppMetrics, Influx
  • OpenTracing, Jaeger
  • Serilog with Elasticsearch sink
  • Routing fixes
  • Preferences page fix

5.2 Release V.0.3

Release V.0.3 brings

  • Moved major load of determining product's change from PostgreSQL to Redis
  • Cache added to Notification Service
  • Cache added to Product Service
  • Fixed CI/CD Pipelines extensively
  • Refactored SmartStoreAdapter
  • Identity Service unit tests

5.3 Release V.0.4

Release V.0.4 brings

  • Generator Service eligible to modify products in SmartStoreAdapter, then it might generate ProductProperitesChanged and many other events generating in Product Service.
  • Nuget versions straightened up, using CI_Pipeline_IID instead of CI_Pipeline_ID. It is an increment value based on project, instead of global number of the pipeline.
  • .NET Core 3.1 upgrade
  • Performance boost
  • UTF8 over Newtonsoft JSON serializers
  • Amended Fetch & Generator Services as "Jobs"
  • Get rid of Kibana, Logstash
  • Get rid of InfluxDB

5.4 Release V.0.5

  • Nginx
  • Grafana
  • Flutter

6. Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

7. Author

Sebastian Rużanowski You can find me at:

8. Inspirations & Thanks

9. License