

An interactive dashboard displaying data from Red Ventures' image model analysis.:chart_with_upwards_trend::bar_chart::chart_with_downwards_trend:

Each point on the scatter plot represents one image's feature and is plotted according to its click through rate. If you hover over a point that is an image with multiple features on the plot a red dotted line will appear indicating their connection. You can filter the points for the confidence level (Google Vision's API assigns floating numbers for how confident they are that a certain feature is in an image).

The other bar graphs display the average click through rate for each image, the impact of having a feature on the image and the average click through rate of images without that feature.

tech stack

  • Django Framework (Python)
  • D3.js for data visualizations

what still needs to be done

  • Send requests to Jenkins image model build for specified business Request has 2 headers:

    1. business (the business that the pictures came from)
    2. image source (arbitrary name the business gave the images)

    Returns: JSON with each object having an image name and feature attributes. For example, there could be 659 objects with 480 attributes each.

        {   "aliceblue":0.0,
            "black_x": 0.0,
  • Use Django model manager to update Django models according to new data

  • Updating all the graphs according to filters and new builds Currently the scatter plot is the only chart with the function to update

  • Adding sparsity filter lower bound n and upper bound m we filter out features that occur in: less than n percent of images and/or more than m percent of images

  • Reformatting y and x axis on scatter plot to adjust for new data X-Axis should remove categories that don't show any data points

run locally/getting started

In the command line...

1. git clone

2. cd mysite

3. python3 runserver

4. Go to