
A resume generator which consumes plaintext files written in a simple markup language, and produces valid xhtml resumes

Primary LanguagePerl


This utility generates valid xhtml resumes from plaintext files which follow a
more intuitive and readable "markup language".


Run genres.pl on a template file structed in format described below. The utility 
will dump output to stdout.


genres.pl muffinman.template > demo.html

Markup Format:

Each line ending in an asterisk is considered a section, each line ending in two
asterisks is considered a subsection. A line consisting solely of \lheader or
\rheader is considered the beginning or end of the right/left headers. A line
which is neither a header tag or a section/subsection is interpreted as a point
(within a section). There are also two line tags \b and \d which are used for
bolded texts and dates respectively. A date should always be at the end of a
line, though bolded text can appear anywhere in a line. See muffin.res for an


Send all bugs to r.vaiya@gmail.com


Abstract stylesheets away from presentation (allow user to specify css

Improve parsing methods/markup validation